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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Obama And Slavery

Thomas Jefferson owned about six hundred slaves over the course of his life. That is to say, he was involved in denying individual sovereignty to six hundred people. Barack Obama, by comparison, wishes to deny individual sovereignty to over three hundred million people. And yet according to the left, Jefferson should be dismissed as a hypocrite, and one of the noblest documents ever written reduced to the status of mere "politics," whereas Obama, who seeks to destroy that document, ought to be seen as a champion of equality and fairness.

If you are inclined to incredulity at the notion of comparing Obama's policy agenda to slave ownership, then you may wish to excuse yourself from the rest of this discussion, as the comparison only gets worse for Obama.

What, at its base, is slavery? Slavery, we would casually answer, is the ownership of one man by another. That is to say, it is a perversion of the notion of private property, rooted in a fundamental illogic about the nature and source of property itself.



  1. I love these pseudo intellectual arguments that basically amount to total and utter nonsense.

    Name one gun law Obama passed taking away or restricting your guns. Just one. That's right, there are none.

  2. 2:35, obama is pushing for gun restrictions right now. Type it into google and see what pops up

  3. 2:35 Obama is our Master


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