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Monday, December 10, 2012

No Community Programs At 'Ground Zero' Mosque A Year After The Controversy

It’s all pray and no play.

The Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero that opened with great fanfare a year ago is now an empty space with no community programs.

And while the developers behind Park51 insisted for two years that the project was more than a mosque, it now appears to be just that. Dozens of worshipers gather at the site on Park Place Friday for prayer services — but that’s the only activity in the building.

Gone are the Arabic classes, workshops in calligraphy, talks on the genealogy of Muslims in America, film screenings and art exhibits. The sole community event is a class in capoeira — an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines dance and music. The teacher of the twice-weekly class said she has five students.



  1. OH WELL, this is what you get WHEN YOU LISTEN AND BELIEVE EVERYTHING!!!!!!

    I love being right...

  2. It's a headquarters for terrorists - on our own soil - and our government facilitated it!

  3. Who would have thought, where are the idiot politicians that voted for this great project.???

  4. Behind in rent. Blow it up. Tear it down.


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