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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Next 9/11: Iran's Death Squad Is Here

Iran has infiltrated a team of Quds Force terrorist leaders into the United States to attack from within in 2013, according to a source.

The source within the office of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic regime, said the team is to create instability in America through terrorism should the U.S. fail to accept the regime’s illicit nuclear program, increase sanctions, confront Iran militarily or intervene in the Syrian civil war.

Members of the team, no more than 10 Quds Force officers, each lead cells totaling about 50 terrorists already in the U.S.

The source is risking his life not only to reveal the terror operation but to warn that Iran is pursuing its nuclear bomb program around the clock from several secret sites.



  1. This is a HUGE problem and this country better find these guys ASAP or the next 9/11 is around the corner.

  2. This should prove challenging for our beloved community organizer. I hope that he doesn't simply vote "present" on this one!

  3. Planting the seeds for an excuse for war. Watch out for the next inside job inspired by black ops and the globalist.

  4. Looks like hunting season in Somerset County


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