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Friday, December 14, 2012

NAACP CEO Meets With O'Malley On Death Penalty

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - NAACP President Benjamin Jealous says he's hopeful the votes will be there to repeal capital punishment in Maryland in the next legislative session.

Jealous met with Gov. Martin O'Malley on Thursday for about 45 minutes in the Maryland State House in Annapolis to discuss the issue.

O'Malley, a Democrat who opposes capital punishment, pushed for repeal in 2009. However, full repeal stalled in the Senate, which opted to limit when capital cases could be sought instead of repealing the state's death penalty law.



  1. In a liberals mind it's ok to kill a baby by abortion but not a convicted killer.

  2. I believe there should be a repeal to the DELAY between conviction and the sentence being carried out in cases where guilt is not in question.

  3. I say lets appropriate 5 million dollars for a state of the art execution chamber.

  4. Why doesn't the NAACP ever focus on something meaningful? It's no wonder for the most part African American communities are in shambles overcome w/poverty and crime. It's no wonder 70% of black babies are born to single mothers. It's no wonder blacks have the highest high school drop out rate and prison rates and the leading cause of death of young black men are other young black men.
    When are the African American communities going to wise up? The NAACP has failed them miserably by focusing on BS instead of the real problems they face. When are they going to see that the wool is constantly being pulled over them by these so called "leaders?"


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