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Friday, December 14, 2012

Md. Governor Disappointed Over Sparrows Point Sale

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Gov. Martin O'Malley says he's disappointed that key equipment at the Sparrows Point steel mill has been sold.

O'Malley, in a statement on Thursday, said he had been hopeful the plant would remain a viable steelmaking operation.

The governor said the state will work with Baltimore County and United Steelworkers Local 9477 to ensure that Sparrows Point remains a viable employment center for the county and the state.



  1. Chalk up ANOTHER plant closed by Unions and Democrats.

  2. It wasn't just unions and Democrats. Sparrows Point was viable only as long as South American ore remained cheap, plentiful and easy to get AND scrap recycling mills remained more expensive as well.

    None of those things existed after the 70s. Sparrows Point got little to no ore from the US (unlike Ohio and PA plants). South America (mostly Venezuela) became either expensive or unfriendly. And the growth of scrap mill processing meant lower costs.

    Sparrows Point has been doomed for 15 years. But no politician ever wanted to admit it.


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