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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maryland Watermen Find Booming Oyster Harvest

CHANCE, Md. (WJZ) — The annual oyster harvest is underway in the bay and this year, there’s a positive twist. Alex DeMetrick reports it’s shaping up to be the best harvest in a decade.

It’s been years since Maryland watermen have pulled this many oysters out of the Chesapeake.

“We’re having a fantastic oyster season this year, largely based on the spat set we had in 2010,” said Mike Naylor, DNR Fisheries.

Spat are the baby oysters that set on other oyster shells and it takes just the right weather for a population explosion. Dry weather that plagues farmers is needed because less fresh water runs into the bay, increasing the salt levers and triggering oyster reproduction. But too much salt triggers the diseases that can wipe out whole bars.



  1. While the oyster harvest is up this year, it is still a fraction of what it once was before overfishing, pollution and disease wiped out most of the bay’s oysters.

    Keep those in mind.

  2. And over fishing is not one word Alex.

  3. I thought the dictionary people were on vacation. Maybe moved where people are more educated..hint hint.

  4. A good friend of mine is catching oysters, but he says the market is not there.

  5. We're having fried oysters for dinner tonight! They are draining in the refrigerator right now. I got them from Sysco Cash and Carry in Pocomoke-Packed By: John E. Parks & Sons Seafood in Westover, MD.

  6. 9:24 AM

    Obviously you wouldn't be there. hint hint

  7. out law wild oyster outlaws.bann oystering in md.


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