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Friday, December 14, 2012

Marriage Best Left to Churches

The current conundrum regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage is what happens when church and state are mixed -- the topics become confusing and confused.

When I married my husband almost 15 years ago, I did so out of love and out of a desire to witness before God my commitment to him and his to me. The legal and tax ramifications did not enter into my head.

But for couples of the same sex, the legal and tax ramifications can be very important because their legal rights differ from those of heterosexual couples in a number of ways, from hospital visiting rights to insurance benefits and taxes on death benefits.


1 comment:

  1. If marriage is to be considered religious then the government has no place giving married couples any preferential treatment over non-married couples. Since this is the case the government needs to remove all benefits from marriage as it stands now and give those benefits to civil unions. That way homosexuals can have the benefits that marriage confers and people that want a religious marriage can get one but they would need to apply for a civil union as well.


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