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Monday, December 17, 2012

Linens Of The Week Demolition

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce that the demolition of the final portion of the Linens of the Week building in the Church Street neighborhood will begin TODAY, December 17, 2012. Please join Mayor Ireton at the Linens of the Week building on Anne Street at 12:30 for a media availability followed by demolition of the building. A history of the abandoned building follows.

In 2008 the City of Salisbury began negotiating with the owners of the old Linens of the Week building in the Church Street neighborhood to see if they would be willing to donate that property to the city so that it could be redeveloped in a manner that would be beneficial to the area. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in 2009, and funding sources were researched for both environmental remediation measures and demolition of the existing dilapidated buildings.

In February 2011 the ownership of the property was officially transferred to the city. The city utilized CDBG funds in March 2011 to conduct an asbestos and lead survey on the buildings, and in July 2011 to remove and dispose of an above-ground chemical storage tank. In October 2011 a combination of CDBG and city funds were used to demolish a portion of the Linens of the Week building so that contractors could get on to the site and conduct some remediation work.

In December 2011 the Maryland Dept. of the Environment through their Oil Control Program provided $136,027 to remove a 10,000 and a 500 gallon underground storage tank, removed and disposed of 775 tons of petroleum contaminated soil and backfilled the excavation area with 620 tons of clean soil and 212 tons of stone. Funds for the demolition of the remaining portion of the building were included in the city’s 2012 CDBG Action Plan.

“This project has taken a long time to come to fruition, and has involved a lot of time and effort on the part of many people” said Deborah Stam, Salisbury’s Community Development Department Director. “This dilapidated facility has been a blighting influence on the Church Street neighborhood for a long time, but soon the property will be available for redevelopment in a positive manner that will contribute to the community.”


  1. And just tell me who is going to invest in a neighborhood filled with black homeless and drug pushers? What a waste of money. I would not drive or walk in that area without a gun for protection. Stop fooling yourselves people.

  2. I hope the maryland taxpayers get their money back when the redevelopment takes place!

  3. And just tell me who is going to invest in a neighborhood filled with black homeless and drug pushers? What a waste of money. I would not drive or walk in that area without a gun for protection. Stop fooling yourselves people.

    December 17, 2012 4:26 PM

    I was thinking the same thing.

    And, the community it is in will not care or appreciate any attempts of upgrades to their neighborhood.

    As they have consistently shown throughout history, and in many different areas and even states, whatever upgrade is made will soon be damaged and destroyed.

    The only business they might accept would be a liquor store. And even that would be robbed and owners killed.

    I'm not impressed Ireton. Beef up the police force if you want to do something positive for that area.

  4. Leave it blank, Ireton promise a group of students it would be a study center for them to use. Another pile of crap and what would make it worst is if they dumped more of our money into a place that would become a computer game day care like a lot of places have become

  5. How about the mayor trying to get a 12%thank pay raise while the rest of city employees get nothing

  6. 6:41, I thought it was going to be a community center? No, an affordable housing complex? No, a church donation?

    I'm confused. I know Ireton wants to give it away after spending all our money on it, but who did he promise it to without asking us?

  7. You tell Jessie doesn't write for the Mayor anymore. Holy run-on sentences Batman! The period is your friend newbie! Surely you had to write at Camp Odyssey?

  8. Lets hope the Bricks is the next to come down!


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