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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How Should Guns Be Regulated?

BALTIMORE - In 1994 a ban on semiautomatic weapons was signed into legislation. The ban made it unlawful to manufacture, transfer or possess semiautomatic weapons.

Included in the ban were 19 named firearms, as well as all semiautomatic pistols, shotguns and rifles. Exceptions to the ban were semiautomatic weapons used by law enforcement and those purchased prior to September 14, 1994.

Ten years later, in 2004, the ban expired. Now, as we close in on 2013, a trip to a gun retailer of a quick search of their website will reveal there are just as many semiautomatic weapons on the market as those with other action types. It's a topic that has gotten attention recent years by lawmakers and has been a hot topic of debate.



  1. In Australia you need a handgun permit if you want to own a airgun there ,is this where we are heading...?

  2. They semi-auto shotguns now

  3. People don't need military assault rifles, crap if things get that bad I only need one bullet, for my own head! The gun show loop hole is about time to be closed. Neither can end all the violence, but we have to start somewhere.

  4. If guns are outlawed, only Eric Holder will have guns for sale.


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