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Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Much Did A Billionaire Casino Magnate Really Spend On Campaign 2012?

Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire casino magnate and emblem of the Citizens United-era of campaign finance, spent gobs of money on the 2012 elections — more money than anyone else in American history.

Exactly how much, you ask?

We don't really know, and it's likely we never will. Many of the groups that spent the most on the election aren't required to report their donors. But thanks to recent campaign finance filings, we can get a better idea.

We dug through Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service records and found that Adelson and his wife, Miriam, spent at least $98 million this election cycle. The money went to at least 34 different candidates and groups, with contributions ranging from $2,000 for a Florida congressional candidate to $30 million for Restore Our Future, the super PAC that supported Mitt Romney.



  1. What a wast of money. Republicans are for the rich. When are you going to understand this..

  2. Oh really?

    How much has George Soros spent?

    But I'm sure that's a different deal, right?

    George Soros and his leftist cadre have spent more and done more to destroy America than ANYBODY else.

  3. 9:44--there are far more wealthy Democrats than Republicans. Especially after 4 years of Obama. Get the facts.


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