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Monday, December 10, 2012

Honor System, REALLY?

I came across a Downtown resident who told me an incredible story about his issues with owning property in Downtown Salisbury.

This gentleman bought a condo Downtown. Considering he has a 9-5 job he didn't feel the need to purchase a parking permit because he'd leave before they started giving out tickets and he comes home after the parking police went home for the day.

There came a time when he got week days off and he had to go out and purchase a permit, especially after the City stopped the $1.00 fee if you paid the ticket before 1 hour was up.

Nevertheless, I saw him this morning walking back and forth to the 2 hour free parking and I asked what he was up to. He explained to me how he has to move his car every 2 hours on his day off because he can't get a parking permit any more. I asked him to explain.

He said he had purchased a parking permit but when it expired he chose to wait to renew it until he got a ticket, then he'd go in and get a new permit. He got a phone call months later, (since he's rarely around when they're working) from the permit office saying his permit was expired. He responded saying he'd be in soon to purchase a new one.

When he arrived he asked for a permit for December. They told him that will be $150.00. He said, WHAT? They said, well, you have to pay for the months you didn't have a sticker, we work on the honor system. Needless to say he now moves his car every 2 hours on the days he's home during the week.

Salisbury is not inviting. The City will fine, set fees, ticket and punish those very people who pay enormous property taxes and even those people coming to visit Salisbury and spend money.

It's time for a major change in leadership. Wouldn't you agree?


  1. now do you see there is more of a problem here than anyone tells you or shows you...

    Exactly what I said was the case...

  2. Welcome to Salisbury

  3. How can this be legal. He didn't have use of the permit all those months. If he would have gotten a ticket during that time would they have reimbursed him for that money. I think it is nuts that you have to pay for parking if you live downtown anyway. No wonder people don't want to live down there.

  4. So you know, the person I'm talking about recently listed his Condo on the Plaza and is moving out of the City.

  5. I would say the easy answer is to abandon downtown and show the mayor how unfriendly it really is. As long as people are on waiting lists to live downtown nothing will change. You need the landlords pissed that no one will rent and you will see a huge change.

  6. Keep up the SH/T work mayor your time is soon UP.

  7. When is the Mayor going to get rid of those deadbeat department heads he hired. There is nothing honest about them.

  8. I'm pretty sure that this guy moved into his friend's house for a while. Since he wasn't parking his car downtown he didn't need a permit.

  9. This is another reason why I moved to Worcester County, low taxes, nice people and a much more cooperative government. The mayor of Salisbury is a complete idiot and needs to be sent packing (to Rehobeth.You folks really need to elect Joe Albero and if not you will det what you deserve.

  10. That's like saying you owe back taxes for any period you didn't work.

  11. Jim Ireton is a two faced back stabber who can't be trusted! If anyone votes for him again they are foolish.

  12. I don't understand. I read a story on wboc.com about some riverwalk subsidized housing starting construction in about 12 months. One interviewee sounded pretty happy about the prospect of not relying on his parents to subsidize him now that the citizens of Salisbury were willing to subsidize him. He stated that he had a car. Where will he park? If it weren't for the $4M vacation that Obama is going to take my family and I on, I'd be upset.

  13. It's time for a major change in leadership. Wouldn't you agree?

    Joe I could not agree more. I am so pleased to see you are running. You and your visions are what this City needs to successful again.

  14. 5:35, it's affordable housing and has tax credit, but it's not subsidized like a Section 8. It's got private investment behind it. Took me awhile to get the difference.

  15. Though it has been attempted in the past and recently an "Over Haul Lead By Common Sense" has not and apparently still isn't "good for the city" Let's raise revenue by putting meters down town, hey why not it seems to be the direction the mayor is heading into

  16. I think we need two meters at each parking space, and if one goes red, you get a ticket! Hell, let"s do 3 meters! We cannot care about the "shoppers" , as they are trash that needs to be shaken down for the sin of parking a car in order to buy a pair of shoes. Bastions! Punish them the moment they arrive at OUR downtown!

  17. Jim Ireton is just as corrupt as his department head he appointed. They all must be removed from office immediately.

  18. "It's time for a major change in leadership. Wouldn't you agree?"

    Yes!! Get rid of Jim Ireton, John Pick, Lore Chambers, I mean Dr. Chambers, Jeanne Lloyd, Teresa Gardner, William Holland, Tom Stevenson, Barbara Duncan and Richard Hoppes. Clean the Slate in April or sooner.

  19. I like to shop at Kuhns but I will not go in unless i have a parking spot in front of the store. I pass through the plaza from time to time wanting to go in and shop but not to park around the corner so that I must walk the streets with expensive jewelry so I just keep going. When you need a guard in the store...you need a guard to walk you to your car. Sorry...that is how I see it.

  20. Why do we charge for parking AT ALL? you can go to any other retailer in the area and park for free. there is no real reason to go down there, anyway. I think the first step to revitalizing the DT area would be to get rid of the meters all together. I might go down there and walk around to see what shops there are (I have no real clue whats offered down there...) if I could window shop for free.

  21. Exactly Bryan. You can build it, but will they still come? To just look?


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