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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

‘Hannity’ Debate on Gun Control Turns Into Screaming Match

A debate over gun control turned into an all-out screaming match tonight on Hannity. Guests Erik Rush and Leo Tyrell were on the show to discuss the NFL tragedy of Jovan Belcher’s murder-suicide. NBC’s Bob Costas catapulted the debate on guns in the wake of this incident when he used the “Sunday Night Football” halftime segment to project his opinion on gun laws.



  1. let them all wipe out each other.

  2. Intolerable.Hard for me to listen to.

  3. 11:26 PM

    Me too. I had to stop halfway thru. Didn't even hear what the other guy had to say.

    First guy talked like Tyson and was annoying. It was supposed to be a shouting match anyway. Both guys are black so go figure.

    Stupid subject anyway. If football player had no gun he could've used his hands for pete's sake. Not to mention a knife or million other things.

    If someone wants to kill someone bad enough the only way to stop them is if they are dead themselves.

  4. poor leo; he has issues. needs help of some kind. can't seem to control himself; ever. i have a hard time watching him speak about anything.

  5. lol, Hannity complains about capitalizing on tragedy and jumping to conclusions before a full investigation. Yet he has made a career out of capitalizing on tragedy and jumping to premature conclusions.

  6. On one hand, you have a one dude yelling because he foolishly believes some loon needs a gun to act out violently. On the other side, you have another dude claiming that folks who are tired of seeing guns and violent crime flood their neighborhood are somehow just out to shred the constitution, disarm the populace, and help to usher in the anti-christ. Can we please get the common sense adults to stand up and speak on these issues.

  7. People kill with guns...guns do not kill people, but they agree with abortion everyday?

  8. I don't watch this show for that very reason. Hannity doesn't allow guests to "finish" and he always talks over...the screaming is incessant.

  9. It's best for all media outlets to move away from this very real tragedy.

  10. what and who should be honored for murdering and then taking there own life?
    Another example of our misguided 51%

  11. More crimes and suicide are done without guns by far.
    As an officer , most armed robberies are committed with toys and knives.
    This country is sick!

  12. There will always be people that use guns for murder, suicide, a combination thereof, for robbery, and so on. That DOES NOT make guns bad, that makes the PERSON HOLDING the gun bad, stupid, an idiot.

  13. Question: didn't Belcher have a gun permit which requires a full back ground check including any mental health issues, if he didn't have a permit then he is a criminal just like everyone else.

  14. if he didn't have a permit then he is a criminal just like everyone else.

    December 5, 2012 8:36 AM

    that is bullshit and one of the reasonings the powers that be use to limit or deny gun ownership.

    Permits are a tool they use to TRACK gun ownership. It does not make any one a better gun owner.

    Hitler took his citizens weapons too just before he made his move.

    I'm sure that's a name most people don't want to hear but facts are facts and history repeats, if allowed.


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