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Monday, December 10, 2012

Greene Turtle Locals' Xmas Party 12/10/12


  1. Please don't take christ out of christmas by using x.

  2. 1:48
    I used to think the same thing. If you google Christmas vs Xmas it will explain how it really does not take Christ out of Christmas. Enjoy your day.

  3. So what is the point of going other than to take a toy or donation4?. Are you saying that food and drinks are on the house?

  4. 2:19
    Seriously? All you can think about is how YOU can benefit from this. Shame on you.

  5. I still christ in christmas not x.

  6. Sit accross the street and watch how many OCPD officers drink and drive. I got so digusted last year, will never go again. Oh, and the "fools", not far behind them.

  7. 2:36, i was just asking a question about a very vague invitation. The American public has voted, I will no longer donate a dime to anybody, I will need them all myself to pay my taxes to support the 49% who don't. March of Dimes and the American Red Cross, and any other charity with exorbitant salaries for their Execs can kiss my grits. I'll give it to homeless people and Crisfielders before I will support the rip off charity infrastructure in this country.


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