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Saturday, December 01, 2012

GOP Senator Cannot Support U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice For Secretary Of State

moderate GOP senator said she cannot support U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for Secretary of State. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) met privately with Rice yesterday. Collins said she needs more information about what Rice knew about the September attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya and the bombing of the U.S.embassy in Kenya in 1998. That's when Rice was assistant secretary of state for African Affairs. If President Barack Obama nominates Rice to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton, he would need support from moderates like Collins to avoid a filibuster. Obama praised Rice during a cabinet meeting calling her "extraordinary" which earned a round of applause from cabinet members.


  1. Only He thinks she is extraordinary. What a joke. This administration sucks

  2. I don't need any further information. She lied to us. In Obama's eyes, that's her qualification. In my eyes, it's her disqualification.

    'Nuff said.


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