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Saturday, December 29, 2012

GOP 'Rock Star' Named 'Woman Of The Year'

For her extraordinary dedication to America’s founding principles and steadfast defense of the Constitution, WND has named Rep. Michele Bachmann 2012 “Woman of the Year.”

Bachmann is a gutsy, pro-life fiscal conservative who dared to vote against raising the debt ceiling. She’s a God-fearing, gun-loving advocate of tax cuts and domestic oil drilling – and has proven to be one of Obamacare’s worst nightmares.

Born in Waterloo, Iowa, to Norwegian immigrants, Bachmann grew up in a Democrat family, but became a Republican in college. Bachmann, now a four-term congresswoman and chairwoman of the Tea Party Caucus, began her political career in 2000 upon winning a seat in the Minnesota state Senate. From there, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006.



  1. She's a total nutcase who has been proven wrong about pretty much everything she believes. If she's the woman of the year, women everywhere should be ashamed.


  2. 1:05
    Bless Your Heart, now get your head out of your pocket {fooled you didn't I}.Thanks to Our Soldiers fighting for our freedoms you too have the right to your opinion, no matter how ridiculous I may think it is.
    God Bless America!

  3. Hahahahahahahaha...........

  4. "She's a total nutcase who has been proven wrong about pretty much everything she believes." Please to enlighten - what does she believe and who has proven her wrong about 'pretty much everything'.

  5. 1:05 prove yourself. just the facts please.

    she deserves this honor and much more. i like having her looking out for us...

  6. Hilarious. Gives a lot of credit to WND

  7. Wing Nut Daily strikes again


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