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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Firemen's Killer Left Chilling Note, Deaths At 3

An ex-con killed two firefighters with the same caliber and make military-style rifle used in the Connecticut school massacre after typing a note pledging to burn down his neighborhood and "do what I like doing best, killing people," police said Tuesday as another body, believed to be the gunman's missing sister, was found.

William Spengler, 62, who served 17 years in prison for manslaughter in the 1980 hammer slaying of his grandmother, set his house afire before dawn Christmas Eve before taking a revolver, a shotgun and a semiautomatic rifle to a sniper position outside, Police Chief Gerald Pickering said.

The death toll rose to three as police revealed that a body believed to be the killer's 67-year-old sister, Cheryl Spengler, was found in his fire-ravaged home.



  1. Another candidate who should not have been outside the walls of a mental hospital. Living with a sister you hate when your Mother dies after murdering your grandmother with a hammer? Yeah, I wouldn't mind him as a next door nrighbor???? Please lock these people up instead of pot smokers and the like. It's an easy choice.

  2. Bring back State executions you can thank the libs for these deaths.

  3. Spengler had already given what you would call a clue that he was dangerous. He beat to death his 90 plus year old grandmother. Whether he killed these latest victims with a gun or his bare hands does not matter.
    What does matter is that those in positions of authority and the law and policy makers who choose to ignore these types of warning signs. The fault of this lies on the backs of those who thought 17 years was a sufficient time of incarceration for a murderer.

  4. With the NSA bearing down on everyone's privacy issues,how can they completely miss these types? If what we have been led to believe is true they are monitoring darn near everyone and everything Americans do.How then can psychopaths continue to slip through the cracks?Possibly because the NSA has overrated themselves,or their focus is on terrorism.For whatever reason they need to put that technology to better use & weed these creeps out BEFORE they kill a slew of people.

  5. 10:56. I'm a liberal. I whole heartedly believe in the death penalty. This man should have been executed when he killed his grandmother. I also don't believe in gun control. For those that want to blame liberals for everything I don't think you know us at all. Would like to see smaller government. I don't believe in hand outs but a hand up. I think all should be accountable for their actions just as this man should have but I wish you people would quit lumping all of us liberals together. Would you like it if I lumped together everyone on the right and blamed them for everything. Government is corrupt no matter which side you are on and what I would really like to see is no politicians but real people working together from both sides running this country.

  6. 1:26, Same question can be asked on why the gov't missed 9/11. They were handed a clue on a silver platter and it went in one ear and out the other. The clue was the flight instuctor who was alarmed enough about the middle eastern men who were taking flying lessons but didn't seem interested in landing an airplane only flying one. This concerned the instuctor so much that he called the FBI to report not once but twice.
    It all goes to the US public education system which stopped teaching thinking skills (including forward thinking and critical thinking) years ago. Now it's memorization and indoctrination.

  7. The hard thing for some people to understand is that there are certain offenders who should never get out of prison. NEVER! He killed his grandmother with a f'n hammer! Murderers and child molesters can not be rehabilitated. Unfortunately there are too many people who believe in 2nd chances for people who don't deserve it.


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