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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Enraged Judge Delays Sentencing In Assault Case

You don’t hear this every day.

A county Circuit Court judge was so enraged by the assault on a mentally challenged teen that he couldn’t sentence one of the boy’s attackers.

After calling Michael Owings, 23, a coward, Judge William C. Mulford II told a sheriff’s deputy to take the man into custody.

“I’m so angry right now I can’t sentence him,” Mulford said during Friday’s hearing. “Bond is revoked...I’ll sentence him sometime next year. I can’t do it right now.”



  1. No, you don't see that every day and good for this judge. He's right the guy is a coward, and worse.

    I admire the judge for his honesty and self-awareness that he was in no state to be impartial.

    Why suspend any of it? As for the guy is a father and his wife is pregnant, his wife had no problem being part of the fight and maybe he should have thought about his fatherly responsibilities before his first punch.


  2. all for show! How hard is it to say i give you the max allowed, and didn't have to wait till next year.
    This way next year no body will remember and they can cut him lose.

  3. Yes 9:39, but in the meantime, the perp remains incarcerated.


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