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Monday, December 10, 2012

Crisfield Pride

Monday December 3rd the president has denied individual assistance to Crisfield. Gov Martin O'Malley has appealed but we are not putting much hope in it being overturned. The story of the town that has been forgotten just got stomped &spitted on in the walk out.

Most will pull up their bootstraps (Texas girl kickin in) and move on . Some like us will have to drain our savings and 401K to rebuild our home and our lives .Sadly though a lot will walk away from their homes that have been in their families for generations. Most of these homes are family homesteads passed down from generation to generation as part their inheritance.Some will live in their homes with mold growing daily because they have no where to go or the means to do so and come spring and summer the illness rate will greatly increase .
I am not native born and must confess with all the negative light put on Crisfield I have learned to love & appreciate this town and their people.
They are survivors ! They are also extremely resourceful and very proud of their town and their heritage . 
I have often said to my coworkers that if there was ever a nuclear war or any major disaster this is exactly where you would want to be . One road in and a town of people that will defend and survive. Many great artist have come from here( The Ward Bros being a example of some of many)
I believe the sunsets are the most beautiful I have ever seen!
Real people , living real lives . Hard workers and "True Patriots." 
God ,Guns & Glory . Great hunters and fisherman. They know how to live off the land and the sea .
There is a little place called Gordon's where all the locals come to get a cup of coffee that they already know just how you take it ,or a homemade Gordons coke ( fountain coke mixed with syrup stirred with a spoon ) and if you have a little headache you can get a little ammonia mixed in it. 
It is not fancy but is where you go to get all the local gossip. To walk in is like going back to another time. Everyone knows everyone and they also know your mother and father , grandparents and even great grandparents. If they don't they will def do some investigating and find out who you are and what your connection is. Not much goes on here that most don't know about whether you want them to or not.

My husbands grandmother was born and raised in the home we live in as was her mother. My husband use to tell her from the time he was a little boy that he wanted to live in this house with his family when he was all grown up. When his grandparents built a addition to the back of the house he was a toddler so they made the windows the exact height for him to look out to the barn and back woods to see his grandfather outside doing his many outdoor projects.There are still his teeth marks in the wood .It is sad to watch him walk through this house now with his memories being torn out. He loved his grandparents dearly and seeing the things like the pocket door in the kitchen that now has to come out or the little built in medicine cabinet that has all his grandfathers gun models all handwritten by his grandfather, now being removed. Don't worry though this things will be kept maybe even bolted to a wall ,hung as a valuable piece of art as a memory to important to throw away. There is a picture of my kitchen after hurricane Sandy with a man standing on the floor beams , floors torn all the way down to the dirt is of my husband . His expression in this picture depicts the feeling of it all.Proud , strong , hard working and the realist person I have ever known. Loves with his whole 6'4 self but proud and stubborn as they come. A "true Crisfielder" as they call them.

I felt that the facts are important but but sometimes forgotten but the real story is in the heart of the Crisfield people . If you would like to come down for a visit I could show u around town ,maybe even get a cup of coffee from Gordon's but you will have to tell them how you like it being a tourist and all...:-)


  1. Federal emergency management and assistance has existed in the US is some form for over 200 years.
    My grandfather was in the US Cavalry and talked about going to hurricane devastated sites and cleaning up and repairing railroad tracks so the government could start sending in supplies and building materials. They also made camps for the victims. In the early 1900's horses were the only way to get to the destruction.

  2. I thought O'Malley and Obama were buds, how come he can't get it overturned?

  3. 6:16, Obama needed the money for his $4m vacation which is clearly needed, since it's been a whole 3 months since the last one, and O'Malley is just entering his vacation/ holiday time as well. Don't you know how much time, trouble, and money these things cost??????


  4. fot starters can we all act like people some brains.....no one has turne on somerset county....or crisfield. Its called progress something this entire eastern shore for the most part has avoided. Crisfield has been on hard times for decades...its nearly a ghost town now. The storm sadly didnt help but to be honest there wasnt really much left long before the storm. Even if 4 million dollars found its way to crisfield it wouldnt fix the lack of good paying jobs,industry there. It would be a simple bandaid that would eventually fall off. sad but true.

  5. wasn't your life destroyed, jerk

    next time you eat seafood, I hope you have to pay for the boat, the equipment, the taxes and fees and the sweat to get it out of the water and into your own mouth

  6. I think they should be helped too but not just the "one percenters" (wealthy business owners who run the town) or the "poor" (people who have never held a job and never will) Help the middle class!

  7. Coming from one of the reddest enclaves of the state, from a place where people scream for the elimination of FEMA and entitlements and smaller government. But NOW everybody in Crisfield has their hand out to Uncle Sam and they're OUTRAGED I say. OUTRAGED.


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