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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Buyers Rush Amidst Talk Of Assault Rifle Ban

Five handguns in the first 90 minutes of business.

The manager of Pasadena Pawn & Gun, Bill Loane, says applicants are coming out of the woodwork since the mass shooting in Connecticut .

"I definitely feel terrible for all the families... the loss of all the people's families and I'm a Christian man. I don't believe in killing other people, but if you're going to defend yourself---that's another thing, but just to go into a school and open fire on a bunch of kids, I think that is definitely wrong," said Loane.

But he adds it also would be wrong to shut down sales of assault weapons like the Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle used at Sandy Hook Elementary School.



  1. By definition, a semi-auto is not an assault rifle. To be considered an assault rifle, it must have select fire capability.

  2. Letting a Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle in the front door of a school because his mother works there is dead up wrong and lawyers are going to have a field day on this. No way it was concealed out of sight.

  3. that is not true an assault weapon is difficult to describe but most semi auto AR 15 was considered an assault weapon pistol grip and more than 10 round clip

  4. 6:34 PM

    what the heck you talking about willis

  5. Just listen to the words "assault weapon". The person using one must be up to no good. Assaulting someone with a weapon is an illegal act. So why should they be legal?

  6. Any weapon that is used to 'assault' someone could be termed an 'assault weapon'.

    Whether they ban these or any other weapon, it won't change what happened nor will it prevent it from happening again.

    You would have to ban ALL weapons, and ANYTHING that could be used as a weapon.

    That will never happen. People that want to do harm will do just that. Even if it means making their own or modifying something else to fit their scheme.

    In each case, it was someone with a mental health issue that caused massacres like this one.

    Until that is 'banned', it will continue to happen.

    You can pass a law, or a dozen, to make people 'feel' better, but only the law abiding folks will be affected by any law. In fact, it will just be one more obstacle for them to overcome to protect themselves from the ones who are not 'law-abiding'.

  7. 7:53, a rose by any other name is still a rose. A semiautomatic rifle by any other name is still a semiautomatic rifle. Why should it be legal? Because we need equal protection from others who have them (Police, TSA, Military, government in general, and of course, dare I repeat myself, crooks)

  8. There has been more semi-automatic weapons sold since Obama has been elected President guns are being sold in record numbers ,Why !! I believe its because Obama is an unstable President with unstable polices.

  9. There has never been a clear definition of an assault weapon... that's part of the problem


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