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Friday, December 14, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: School Gunman's Parents Dead, Sources Say

Connecticut elementary school gunman identified by sources as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza, and sources say Lanza's father was found dead in his New Jersey home and his mother also was found dead, possibly in the school, where she worked.
From Fox News


  1. Lets hear u all bash Obama for wanting to regulate guns now. Rednecks don't think about the real world damage!

  2. So sad...pray for the victims. It is interesting though that we have had allot of this type of violence since Obama has been President.

  3. The school board, the superintendent, all are libel in promoting the victim culture. Those children are DEAD because the teachers union and the school boards are populated with sheep. When will we understand that schools as gun free zones are a recipe for disaster.

  4. 3:28 how about we stop with all the political correct BS and start saying what the real problem is! The breakdown of the family is the cause. Both gun control and school shootings are new phenomenons. I guarantee you the shooter was a product of another new phenonomen "the inhouse school psychologist." Mark my words. Every single one of these incidences the young shooters were labeled as either "learning disabled, ADD, ADHD, etc. Almost all took Ritalin.
    You drug a child into submission and you get a child with pent up anger that's never been dealt with properly.

  5. Let comon sense prevail 9/11 did not use guns, cane slew able with a rock ! Hilter used gas! Goggle the worst mass muder in the world! A Total gun ban in that country did not stop that incident ! so gun bans or further ersion of our constitutioal rights will NOT stop sick deranged angry minds from killing n murder. the evil progressive left will use these types of incidents to disarm law abiding peaceful citizens. Leaving us open to total slavery and at the mercy of tyrants. The left owns this!! They built it with there godless agenda of re education for the new world order producing godless souls, broken famlies socialist re education and an impotent media

  6. I'll bet this nut is involved with Muslim teachings!!!!

  7. This is the progressive lefts legacy you godless devils own it

  8. Try google mr professor my phones keys are tiny ur response sounds inmature guess u figure gun bans are a solution to sic minds

  9. Anonymous 5:53: Was the VA Tech shooter Muslim? Was the guy who shot Rep. Giffords Muslim? Was the guy who shot up the movie theater in Colorado Muslim? Hell, no! What do they all have in common? Assault weapons and a bottomless supply of ammo.


  10. "Anonymous said...
    Lets hear u all bash Obama for wanting to regulate guns now. Rednecks don't think about the real world damage!

    December 14, 2012 3:28 PM"

    Think before you comment. Counties without any form of gun control don't have this problem of school shootings.
    You and others with your mindset are the problem! YOU and others like you caused this problem by being excuse makers and apologists. It's the fault of people like you. Stop making excuses.
    You don't put a bandaid on what has become a cultural problem because that's what's been happening and this is the result.
    The state of CT has one of the strictest gun control laws in the country.
    Don't lecture about the "real world" until you get out of denial.

  11. this is mr. professor, i was just joshin', no need to over react. no gun bans for me dude, in fact, i'm one of them "cold dead fingers" kinda guys.

  12. What they all have in common Queensgirl is behavorial problems that were ignored. Problems that were not treated properly and were stifled with drugs.
    Now it's coming out. This young shooter was supposedly "autistic" and may have had what I refer to as the diagnosis du jour "Auspergers." The mother was a teacher and most likely a preponent of the inhouse school psychologist idea who unless they are labeling children would be out of a job.

  13. Oh please 3:28! Why should anyone with any sense care what obama thinks about this? He promotes violence himself by embracing rappers such as JayZ who promotes violence in his music. obama can't have it both ways and expect any reasonable person to believe he is sincere. Don't be hypocritcal-it's unbecoming.

  14. Terrible tragedy, absolutely. But 3:28 , 6:38 Blaming guns? Why? Let's use common sense here. If there was just ONE security guard or cop or principal or vice principal ARMED WITH HANDGUN, this bastard from hell WOULD NOT MAKE IT PASS THE FIRST DOOR. Unfortunatelly he got in and went on terrible shooting spree. Yes, we need to make sure these mentally ill people can't get their hands on weapons, but taking guns away from regular family folks is a mistake and disaster waiting to happen, no doubt. And same with that idiot who shot people at the movie theatre not long ago, IF THERE WAS SOMEONE SHOOTING BACK, THERE WOULD BE NO MULTIPLE LOSS OF LIFE.

  15. I posted the message at 3:28... I posted that bc everyone on this site hates on Obama and blames everything on him and i get sick of that garbage!

  16. 856, sure lets put a cop at every school... Or give a principle a gun... Or arm the popcorn maker at a movie theater. Com'on it's angry thinking like you that will result in more unnecessary deaths.

    1. Yes, cop at every school would be ideal, but since the state has cut funding, yes we will have to have principal or vice principal carry the gun or have assigned personel to do so, and I am OKAY WITH THAT. Why do you think these almost teenager punks are shooting innocent people in these places, because they know there is no one to stop them. They are for sure not coming to VFW or American Legion to shoot at someone.

    2. Its not my angry thinking, but your lack of common sense. I believe its better to have school principal with access to a handgun in this situation. If you take guns away from everybody, criminals would find the ways to get their guns and we would be standing there with nothing but broom sticks.

  17. The criminals will get guns whether lawful or not! Keep the other citizens from having them and crimes goes up.

  18. These youth have been desensitized to violence since the proliferation of first person shooter video games became popular. Hunting humans has become the most popular genre in youth gaming and is even used by our military to train troops. What the hell do you expect!
    Parents do not let your children play these insidious "games".

  19. 8:56-Yeah, because I'm sure one vice principal with a handgun would put up a real good fight against a surprise attack from a madman with an assault rifle and two handguns.


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