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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Obama to Announce Gun Control Task Force

President Obama will announce later this morning the creation of a gun control task force led by Vice President Joe Biden to recommend new policies aimed at preventing another school shooting.


  1. Before every one goes crazy, let's hear what the President has to say. Perhaps there is some good ideas to better protect our children, which, to me, is priority #1 in this Country.

  2. Someone e-mailed me a picture of a tee shirt that said

    Dear God
    why don't you protect our children at school?

    Answer was
    God said
    I'm not allowed in schools anymore

    May not be the exact words , but close.

  3. never let a crisis go to waste

  4. How about a "Stop the Killing Altogether Task Force?" Why is obama giving preference to these victims? What about all the other victims who are murdered every day using other means?
    If this does not prove to every black person that voted for obama that he does not care about you then there's no hope. The #1 cause of death of young black men is other young black men. Has obama gotten all jazzed up over these murders? Not one bit but white children of rich parents and he's all over it.

  5. How about we recognize our young soldiers sent to fight wars who see similar situations on a regular basis and our government expects them to come home normal.

    Mental health needs to be recognized in the United States, yet our government continues to close mental institutions because they cost too much money.

  6. Well we all know Obama is great at gun control and killing.. What his record now, of wasnt he in charge of the deadliest city ever before being president.

    He is a dope smoking illegal immigrant, and the US are idiots for voting him in. Biden is just plain stupid.

  7. similar to stalin - he just uses "useful idiots"

  8. So lets get this straight get rid of a 100 round clip OK now i will just show up with 4 25 round clips, make NO sense this will be the beginning of the end for gun rights, the PARENT was at fault for NOT properly securing her weapons. PERIOD.

  9. what did he do with the reccomendations from the last whiz bang, blue ribbon, over the top "task force" he appointed to evaluate the country's number one priority problem, that of spending and budget restraints? zero. totally ignored them. they didn't sync with his agenda. they were rejected. not this time. this suit will fit just fine......obama is not a president for all the people.....he is not a big problem solver....he is a radical idealist that has never been in touch with any feelings but his own. nice guy, but a bad leader.

  10. 8:09

    While I agree the mother should have had the weapons locked, you don't seem to blame the killer at all? You don't think he could get guns on his own without his mommy?

  11. 723, actually this debate directly impacts the same folks you are speaking of. What, you think those guns on the streets of chicago, baltimore, or dc were just manufactured right at home?

  12. 8:09:
    Absolutely, you are correct!
    Not taking son for professional help was another mistake she made.

  13. 8:29-Do you think if all firearms were to miraculously disappear do you think those predisposed to violence would suddenly become peace loving law biding citizens?
    You spoke of Baltimore-a few years ago the headline on the front page of the Baltimore Sun was "Deadliest Day in Balitmore City." On that particular day not 1 firearm was used in any of the murders.
    This is a problem that can only be stopped at it's base, not some feel good measure that's in no way shape or form will ever solve the problem.
    The problem needs to start with the question-What makes people predisposed to act out violently and what can be done to prevent that character trait?
    In most of the cases, the "whys" are easy to come up with. It's the what to do about it that will take a task force comprised of individuals who are honest and aren't afraid to not be politically correct-in other words courageous people.

  14. From what we've heard the mother did get professional help for the son. Remember-he's been considered an adult for 2 years. Not much she could do but I've heard on some reports that she had made application for conservatorship.
    This is another problem-the court system's way too involved in making decisions for mentally ill people. It's goes back to that Constitutional rights thing.

  15. 8:29 Why wasn't obama on the inner city gun problem for the past 4 years? Why did it take white rich kids being murdered for him to take up this cause?
    This is an "in the face" "plain as day" example of obama's feelings toward the African American community. He doesn't care about them and they just go along happily voting for him all because he periodically throws them free stuff.

  16. 8:09, apparently the shooter tried to get weapons on his own but could not because he was under 21


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