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Friday, December 14, 2012


Today, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an ardent gun control advocate, moved to politicize the monstrous school shooting in Connecticut, issuing the following statement:


  1. "I would not do that sheeet if I were you"December 15, 2012 at 5:53 AM

    Try it home boy!

  2. Snippets from a Harvard study:

    "Nations with stringent anti-gun laws generally have substantially higher murder rates than those that do not. The study found that the nine European nations with the lowest rates of gun ownership (5,000 or fewer guns per 100,000 population) have a combined murder rate three times higher than that of the nine nations with the highest rates of gun ownership (at least 15,000 guns per 100,000 population).

    For example, Norway has the highest rate of gun ownership in Western Europe, yet possesses the lowest murder rate. In contrast, Holland's murder rate is nearly the worst, despite having the lowest gun ownership rate in Western Europe. Sweden and Denmark are two more examples of nations with high murder rates but few guns."

  3. screw bloomburg bryan l. phillips

  4. America must take immediate action against liberals!

  5. beady eyed new york city sewer rat.

  6. America must take immediate action against liberals!

  7. I agree. Issue every teacher who is willing a gun and train them how to properly use it.

  8. A really controversial guy,but not until the soft drink issue.Then came the decision to go ahead with the NYC Marathon immediately following the devastation of Sandy.Of course he subsequently cancelled it amidst public outrage,but one must wonder.Only honest people will surrender their guns,with the exception of a few crackheads who need the money for drugs.NYC needs a newer,saner mayor.

  9. Let me understand this. He needs to take immediate action because guns were legally purchased?!! There was nothing illegal about the transaction. Maybe the action he needs to take is the shut morons like blooming idiot up!

  10. Those guns were legally purchased and registered in a State that has fairly strict gun ownership laws. It wasn't a guns fault. It was a sick mentally ill coward that did the killing. I guess Bloomberg would not protect himself either? Cops don't carry guns to protect you, they carry them to protect themselves.

  11. don't be too hard on him. remember it was reported by the mental health community that liberals are mentally ill. of course this does not negate the fact that bloomberg must be replaced soon.

  12. So lets take all the cars away in America because drunk drivers kill innocent families and people.......they way these gun activists talk it's the same difference. It's real simple folks.....guns don't kill it's the people behind them.


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