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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Atheist Group Pressures New Members of Congress Not to Join Prayer Caucus

They haven’t even been sworn in yet, but already the newest members of Congress are being pressured by a high-powered atheist group. The group, the American Humanist Association, has sent them letters urging them not to join the Congressional Prayer Caucus.

The letter reads in part, “Incoming House members should know that approximately one in five of their constituents are not religiously affiliated, and even more insist on maintaining the wall of separation between church and state … I ask you not to join the Congressional Prayer Caucus…”



  1. i pray they're not intimated that easily.

  2. Prayer? What a bunch of crap!
    It only saved my life and my wifes life! The most powerful thing in the universe is prayer , you can move mountains!

  3. “It is impossible to rightly
    govern a nation without God
    and the Bible.”
    ― George Washington

  4. These atheist groups have been ramped since obama and the rest of the world have been bowing down to Islam the country better WAKE UP.

  5. the american humanist association is registered as a religious organization. just one religion trying to out muscle another religion.

  6. i pray they're not intimated that easily.

    December 5, 2012 1:34 AM

    nice. I like that little zinger. lol

  7. the american humanist association is registered as a religious organization. just one religion trying to out muscle another religion.

    December 5, 2012 10:53 AM

    Yeah but, does anyone think of who(m) they worship?


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