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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And We Wonder Why?

Dollar Store Special


  1. toy guns have never been allowed in my house. i have a hard enough time letting my son have a water gun. its not "fun" to pretend to shoot anyone with anything, in my opinion.

  2. That has nothing to do with a Evil Crazy Nutcase Killer!

  3. Kids have been playing with toy guns for over 100 years. Now all of a sudden its a problem? We are looking in the wrong direction. We should be asking for better regulation of medications! This aberrant behavior is intensified if not brought on by today's crop of "anti-depressants and anti-psychotics", not toy guns.

  4. I had toy guns when I was a child. I never wanted to murder anyone. Case solved. It's not the guns.

  5. A BILLION or more children have played with a toy gun.
    How many have grown into murderers?

    Guns are not the problem.

  6. Parents needs to TALK with their children. Guns are not bad, the people with evil tendencies are the problem.

  7. We had cap pistols and played Cowboy and Indians. We also had air rifles and bow and arrow sets. We were taught safety by our parents. Even in 1964 at Wi Hi, we were taught skeet shooting with 22 cal rifles using bird shot shells. No one ever got hurt because we were taught to be safe and responsible. When drafted into the Army I was assigned and trained as a recon sniper. I own a 7.62x54 sniper Prussian rifle today. My wife and I each own a hand gun which is secure but quickly available if need be. I am a responsible gun owner However I have never wanted or had the need to purchase an automatic.

  8. Even if I wanted to purchase an automatic, I still would not have the desire to kill someone. And, even if automatic guns were illegal, just like drugs, if someone wants to get their hands on one, they will.


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