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Tuesday, December 04, 2012


“Eyes blinded by the fog of things
cannot see truth.
Ears deafened by the din of things
cannot hear truth.
Brains bewildered by the whirl of things
cannot think truth.
Hearts deadened by the weight of things
cannot feel truth.
Throats choked by the dust of things
cannot speak truth.”
― Harald Bell Wright – The Uncrowned King
I consider myself a seeker of truth. It isn’t easy finding it in todays’ world. In an alternate version of the famous scene from A Few Good Men, I picture myself telling Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner that I want the truth and his angry truthful response:


  1. Truth is relative and subjective, prone to interpretation. I want the facts.....unsoiled by anyone's opinion...

  2. 1:37. Excuse me. The truth is not subject interpretation. Truth is truth, not subject to your thoughts or mine. You must be a Democrat to think this way.

  3. Thank you, 1:57! It is weird how Dumbocrats minds work. Thinking that the truth is anything but the raw facts is mind numbing to a Conservative! Have you prayed for a Liberal today? If not, please do! They are really in need...

  4. What is a dumbacrat? You silly sheep stay so loyal to your parties yet you fail to realize they are both dominated by corrupt people who aim to disallow any other parties into the spectrum while maintaining control of us and dividing us. Ron Paul could have saved you people. You will be crying wishing you voted for him if you ever live to realize that you have been nothing more than a member of a large herd called the American Public.


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