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Friday, December 21, 2012

Adam Lanza Taking Antipsychotics

By now the whole country is fully embroiled in the Gun Control debate, spurred by the grisly murder of 27 people, mostly kids, at the Sandy Hook Elementary school last Friday.
Guns might not be the only problem though.

New York Magazine wrote a piece about shooter Adam Lanza's supposed "aspergers" syndrome as a "red herring" meant to distract from the real problem (guns, of course, the subject goes without mentioning).

Inside the piece though they report Adam Lanza's uncle said the boy was prescribed Fanapt, a controversial anti-psychotic medicine.


  1. Great job MOM, lets see sons on meds i take him to the shooting range, i pull him out of school because he cant cope at school, i home school him, i keep him in a dungeon (basement) for hours at a time,i don't trust him with the babysitter, i leave my GUNS UNSECURED in the house while i am at work, Should i go ON yes he is also responsible but lets be honest if didn't kill himself his lawyers would be blaming his mental condition and mother.


  2. Quoted for the NY Magazine article:

    "As New York's Benjamin Wallace pointed out recently, diagnoses of disorders on the autism scale (Asperger's in particular) are everywhere, coming from doctors, amateur celebrity-watchers, and individuals diagnosing themselves. The condition makes it hard to socialize and communicate, symptoms many of us can find in ourselves if we look closely enough. The terms, Wallace posited, are "words we deploy to describe some murky hybrid of egghead and aloof."

  3. I wonder how many parents (and teachers even) are aware that when a child is given a "diagonosis" of Asperger's, highly functioning autism, etc. the schools are then able to modified standardized tests or is some cases only the smarter "normal" kids have to take them?
    The bottom line is-both schools and politicians are USING the children as a pawn to make themselves look like they are achieving the goal of better schools.
    It's a cycle that starts w/the politicians who are lobbied by all sorts of companies w/all kinds of "ideas" to make schools better. From the testing companies and on to the companies that contract out "In house" school "therapists." The in house school "therapist" companies are in the pocket of the drug companies.
    If anyone reading any of this has a child who was "diagnosed" w/ any behaviour disorder please do some research on you own. The schools do not have your child's best interest at heart. The schools want to please the politicians and the politicians want the bragging rights of having #1 schools.

  4. 10:35
    Would that also mean the school would get more funding for the child if they say they are a special needs child?

  5. he should have been locked up not doped up.

  6. I not sure about funding 10:40. I'm not sure but it seems this labeling may create the need for special ed. teacher's thus creating more govt jobs and more funding.

    Another point-ever since therapy companies dreamed up the idea of coming into the schools is when these diagnosis du jour's such as Aspergers, Autisim Spectrum Disorders, etc exploded.

  7. Every agency and department including public schools, within the federal, state and county govenments are controlled by- for profit companies and special interest because of politics. It's not so bad on the local level such as city and town govenments.


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