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Thursday, December 06, 2012

A U.S. Marshal Arrested

A U.S. Marshal has been arrested and charged with blowing a federal agent's cover. Federal prosecutors say Lucio Osbaldo Moya showed a picture of an undercover agent to coworkers to find out his identity. He then shared that information with his father, who was a drug dealer. The undercover agent had to be pulled and the father has since been sent to prison. Moya's attorney claims he didn't know his dad was a drug dealer. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison.


  1. He is either the worst US Marshall in history or a liar....

  2. Look at the name, he isn't an American. Most foreigners can't be trusted.

  3. When i started to read this it sure sounded wierd “ A federal Agen has been arrested and charged for blowing a federal Agent ??????

  4. They do have female agents.


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