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Thursday, December 13, 2012

“A Fight To Survive”

What started as an argument about money quickly became a fight for her life. Jenifer found herself being beaten, strangled repeatedly, slammed into the wall and floor, and knocked unconscious. Dazed, Jenifer and her teenage daughter Katie first went to the police station and then to Northwest Hospital’s ER-7. There, Jenifer was identified as a victim of domestic violence, and an advocate from the Domestic Violence (DOVE) Program was assigned to her. The DOVE advocate explained to her and Katie what domestic violence is. Katie recalls, “That sounds kind of obvious considering what just happened to my mother, but it truly helped. Abuse goes a lot further than just putting bruises on another’s body.”

The police officer and DOVE advocate used a forensic light source to view underlying bruising resulting from the strangulation. They also took photographs of all her injuries. The Lethality Assessment Project – Maryland Model was used to determine that Jenifer was at high risk for being murdered. Therefore the advocate helped her and her daughter create an extensive safety plan. While still in the emergency room, the advocate let Jenifer know how to get a protective order and assisted her with the paperwork to get a temporary one. When Jenifer got a final protective order, the police confiscated her abuser’s gun, which turned out to be loaded. DOVE, the police and the legal system quite likely saved her life.

Over the next few months, DOVE coordinated with Jenifer, the police and the State’s Attorney’s Office to ensure Jenifer and her daughter were safe, and to make sure the abuser was held accountable. DOVE not only attended every court hearing, they also made certain that Jenifer had transportation. They made her aware of the new Rental Housing Protection law that allows victims to break their lease if they need to move for safety purposes. DOVE also helped Jenifer apply for Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation to pay for her medical bills.

“[DOVE] didn’t just throw us pamphlets and brochures and expect us to make a life decision,” Katie says. “DOVE sat down and explained how to go about each process.” Whenever Katie and her mother found their strength wavering, they’d pick up the phone and call DOVE.

While Jenifer and her daughter first went to the police, research suggests that victims of domestic violence show up in hospitals more frequently than at police stations, courts and shelters. Victims may come to the hospital for medical treatment of their injuries, thinking the assault was a one time occurrence, or saying it “only happens when he drinks.” The hospital’s 24/7 setting provides a unique and ideal opportunity to intervene, educate and provide services to domestic violence victims. In addition to the services described, DOVE also offers immediate safe shelter, assistance with basic needs, group and individual counseling services, and more.

One year later, Jenifer is still healing from her injuries with surgeries and therapy. Katie is getting ready to go to college and wants to become an advocate for domestic violence victims. Katie says, “Talking to my mom, I have discovered that mothers often have a greater love for their children’s safety than their own.” Katie says she feels grateful for and inspired by the DOVE program. “My mother and I have gone through difficult times, but it gives my mom great satisfaction to know that I’ve learned from our situation … I know now what I will and will not put up with in a relationship. I strive to have healthy relationships with my friends, my family and my boyfriend.”


  1. I huge problem in our society and it is difficult to find help. Many people live in constant fear from domestic violence or stalking and have no safe place to go. Many people have lost their lives senselessly.

  2. yes it is a wionderful thing as long as you are a woman. got news for you according to the system woman are the only ones abused and children never lie. they are taught to use the system against fathers. this sounds like a wonderful made for tv example of how it is supposed to work. now step into reality and you will find that the system creates more problems then it solves. in the really hard cases that they can really help they step back and watch. god help you if you are a man.

  3. She will not go to court. She will drop charges or try to. Most do. They love their attackers.
    Domestic violence Rules!

  4. Didn't she have a brother or uncle or something? Hit MY sister like that or terrorize my nieces or nephews and you better catch the next bus outta town. You won't get told twice. Police? Like the song says, "He walked right through that restraining order and put her in Intensive Care". That boy needs a lesson that Social Services just can't deliver.

  5. too bad she didn't know how to use that gun. that's how you take out the trash that beats women.


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