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Friday, December 21, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "NRA SEES HUGE SPIKE IN MEMBERSHIP AFTER SANDY HOOK...":

Before I get started on my comment let give some disclosure here.

I'm a Republican I don't care for the extreme right nor the extreme left.I am a retired Trooper.I'm a Life Member of the NRA.I'm a gun owner.I can recall in the 70's the Maryland State Police hierarcy informed us we could not identify ourselves as NRA members while we were working,nor could we sign certain petitions.
Recently I had an occassion to speak with a couple of young Troopers (young to me anyway)they both were in favor of concealed carry provided of course the permit holder had been trained or could demonstrate their knowledge and use of their chosen weapon.Their reason? because someday that citizen may have the opportunity to save my life ie: the Trooper.
The hot issue now obviously is the Sandy Hook Slaughter as it should,I've seen alot but nothing as horrific as that senseless slaughter.My opinion only, the murderer was demented,evil walks this earth and was walking the halls of that elementary school that day,no power on earth could stop him that morning given the the fact there was no security.(Since I'm into this and have deviated a bit from my point bear with me)It's all supposition now but what do you think would have happened to that scum had he surrendered? I think if arrested and convicted he'd have never been executed,or one of the police officers would have cut him down whether he had that AR in his hands or not.My prefered option.
I am a proponent of Gun Control,Common Sense EFFECTIVE gun control that does not effect the normal man or woman who enjoys collecting,hunting,shooting.It goes without saying that AR Platforms, AK-47's were built and designed for War they are wicked looking ominus weapons that some people just get the willeys looking at but aside from that they are fun to shoot.An M1 Carbine had 30 round clips that could have done just as much damage just as fast as that AR.The two pistols this animal carried could fire 32 rounds (15 in the mag 1 in the tube)an done just as much damage.

The NRA is a powerful gun lobby and organization I agree with most of their policy's I've never heard of anyone trained by the NRA that went on a killing rampage,yet there are certain things I don't necessarily agree with either.But the people in Washington,the wide majority do not know a Model 29 Smith an Wesson from a slingshot.They are reactionary and pass legislation because it makes them look good with no thought or study or understanding on what they are legislating against, an who suffers from these fools? we do Mr.an Mrs Honest Law Abiding citizen.Who do they think they are protecting? The ones committing these horrific crimes will do so whether they have an AK 47 or a Lever Action 30-30.The old 30-30 is slower to load holds 7 but kills just as dead.

Look..everyone is not going to agree with me and thats ok,but join the NRA their core policy is protecting our rights under the 2nd Amendment I can only add one more thing think about our Government and Fast an Furious and the Marine sitting in a Mexican Jail ( I hear to be released today)the people need to get busy and get our government back on track an work for us not the other way around.The power of the vote can be as powerful as an AR 15.

Just the Ramblings of an Old Retiredd Cop.


  1. GREAT job trooper... I agree 100%..

    I hope you dont mind, I am going to post on my facebook. Maybe we know each other.

  2. I had a long conversation with a retired Baltimore City cop. I told him that I would think a cop would want law abiding citizens to be armed. His reply was "Depends on which side of the law the cop is on".

  3. Thanks 9:52 Fine with me except I'm not on facebook but I did appreciate your comment...


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