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Friday, December 14, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 12-14-12

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Iretongate":
Jim Ireton did with Sarah Lake what he did with numerous others the were his so called friends and supporters. He turned his back on them. There were several friends and supporters who Jim were supposed to bring on board with him as a team and he seemed to forget that. There were several department heads that were going to be replaced with his people. There was the City Solicitor who was going to be replaced with his people. Finally the City Council did the right thing and brought in a much better City Solicitor. The only department head position he fought for was his buddy from the Democrat Central Committee. He then screwed over Ivan Barkley on that top position and then we got stuck with an outsider. Then the fire department we got stuck with another outsider who wasn't qualified to be a fireman and he was ran out. Now we are stuck with someone who wasn't wanted then and who isn't wanted now. We had a qualified public works director in house and Ireton brought in another unqualified outsider to run public works. Ireton promised to get rid of John Pick and Lore Chambers and we are still stuck with them who are the part of the reason the city is running down under their watch. What does Ireton do? He rewards Lore Chambers with time off and pays for here to get a PhD at UMES and now she demands to be referred to as Dr. Chambers. He has also proposed and given her several undeserved pay raises. 

The only reason Jim Ireton got elected is because he rode in on the coattails of Debbie Campbell. Councilwoman Campbell got more votes in District 2 than Jim Ireton got in the entire city.

Jim you turned on your friends and you have worn out your welcome in this city. Please go away and leave us alone.


  1. Great comment and so true! Jim Ireton is the King of Users!

  2. stupid is , as stupid does. Ireton has an education , but who would have guessed he was dumb as a brick.

  3. Chambers received an upgrade of three pay grades last year. That is a minimum of a 24% raise! While nearly all other city workers got no raise and had to pay more for insurance - a net pay cut!

  4. Great damn comment. Summed it up well.

    I had the misfortune of hearing the way Jim Ireton runs Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen into the ground. He didn't know who I was. I was just some insignificant person with the person he really wanted to talk to in his little club of cronies and followers. He's so vain he thinks my friend supports him 100%. Not.

  5. Joe remember how Teresa Gardner moved an unlicensed guy from the sewer plant to run the water plant? He failed his water license test! So this guy is the boss over people with licenses even though he is too dumb to meet the bare bottom minimum requirements! And Gardner is leaving him in the position! The Mayor knows! Please tell any friends you have on the councel to look in to it. I don't want my water to be unsafe.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe remember how Teresa Gardner moved an unlicensed guy from the sewer plant to run the water plant? He failed his water license test! So this guy is the boss over people with licenses even though he is too dumb to meet the bare bottom minimum requirements! And Gardner is leaving him in the position! The Mayor knows! Please tell any friends you have on the councel to look in to it. I don't want my water to be unsafe.

    December 14, 2012 10:34 PM

    The Mayor knows a lot of corruption going on in the city and he will turn on the innocent. All city employees should band together to make sure he isn't re-elected.


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