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Monday, November 05, 2012


Furious New York City residents confronted Mayor Michael Bloomberg during an unannounced trip to the Rockaways on Sunday, demanding more aid for their storm-ravaged neighborhood after Hurricane Sandy.
“When are we going to get some help out here, seriously, when are we gonna get some help?” one woman screamed at the mayor in a confrontation caught on camera. “We’ve been out here f–king seven days! Seven f–king days…when are we gonna get some f–king help?”
“There’s old ladies in my building that got nothing. Nothing,” one man exploded.
​​Content warning — strong language


  1. POS got water and food in his MILLION dollar houses.

  2. I visited Lowes in Millsboro the past two days. Yesterday I saw someone buying about 10 gas cans. Today, a person in front of me was buying 3. Now, considering that the aisles were lined with emergency generators, I got to worrying and I collectively asked the cashier and customer in front of me whether something bad was about to happen that I didn't know about. What I learned was that people are buying these things to take TO New York. The customer told me she was hauling 15 gallons of gas to relatives because the family didn't want to come here to avoid the strife there. It's hard to imagine that a Stevie Wonder and Springsteen concerts are more important than helping these people.

  3. And the fact that he was trying to have the Marathon and crowd NY even more when some people are without places to live and the hotels are already booked. Only to cancel the Marathon once all the runners showed up. What a horrible way he has handled this storm.

  4. I've spent all weekend watching news footage of people on Staten Island screaming for the government to come in and help them. I've kept up with whats going on with clean up and help on the Shore, and the difference is amazing.

    People on the shore are helping their neighbors and families, not standing around waiting for a photo op and screaming for the government to help them. I saw one woman who said they did stock up on food before the storm, but it all spoiled...really!!!

    Although I'm now 500 miles away from home, we mailed a check to Pohanka to help out. Watching everyone pitch in and help makes me proud to say I'm from the Shore. The people in New York could learn a thing or two from all us "backward folks"


  5. 2:25-I'll hold him while you hit him.

  6. It's amazing that FEMA learned absolutely nothing from Katrina.
    Hurricane Sandy was predicted for atleast a week to hit somewhere along the east coast. Forecasters were calling it "Frankenstorm" due to it's potential for massive damage.
    The questions some officials are asking is why FEMA and the feds didn't have supplies, help, etc strategically placed inland?
    Obama was supposed to speed thing up and cut the red tape. Who could ever believe this? He is incapable of doing anything except telling lies. He doesn't have the intellect nor does the people he surrounds himself with, to handle anything other than a campaign event. In the meantime people are stuck in highrises with the lower levels still underwater, no electricy and having to take craps in the hallways of the buildings!
    Obsma will go down in history as being the most incompetent president ever.

  7. what a dope 3:27 PM. You base your whole outlook of the situation in NY based on some news clips? You mean the same MSM that you guys bash as being inaccurate every day? The same news biz thats out to sell ad with sentationalism, not inform you? Perhaps once you have taken your pills today, you also might notice that the number of people affected in NY and NJ is just a little higher than here on the Shore.

  8. @4:12...So because they have more people its ok to rely on the Govt to take care of them.

    They were ill prepared because they expect someone else to take care of them.

    Growing up on the Shore we were taught to take care of ourselves first, and friends and neighbors second. Maybe it was because the only time our state govt gave a crap about us was if it impacted the western shore folks getting to the beach.

    Self reliance, and help from friends and neighbors will get the Eastern Shore back to normal a lot faster than a bunch of bureaucrats arguing over who gets credit.

    And btw, it wasn't just mainstream media showing these images, it was several different sources of info, including blogs (like this one) and social media.


  9. 4:12 You are a first class fool! Either a first class fool or a blantant liar!

    You say---
    "Perhaps once you have taken your pills today, you also might notice that the number of people affected in NY and NJ is just a little higher than here on the Shore."

    Millions have been affected in NY and NY as compared to a few hundred locally. You are now dismissed. I do not deal with either ignorance and/or liars well but in the meantime go and repeat your ridiculous statement publically so people can laugh in your face!

  10. "you also might notice that the number of people affected in NY and NJ is just a little higher than here on the Shore"

    I think you need to get you head out of your arse 4:12. If the situation in NY and NY wasn't so tragic your statement would be funny. Must be an Obama supporter to be able to lie without a hint of shame.

  11. OMG you two comparing tragedies? My dog is bigger than your dog?

    Both of you need to grow up. 500 miles isn't far enough.

  12. 4:46, then we need to get rid of FEMA using your logic. We pay taxes and a large portion goes to FEMA Disaster Relief and they should be expected to respond in an efficient manner. There is no excuse. Preparations should have been made ahead of time. No excuses. They don't even have real blankets on hand. They are handing out flimsy towel sized blankets to people. Utter incompetence. Romney's plan that he has been touting for more than a year is to bundle FEMA money and give it directly to the states so that way they have it immediately on hand. Obama's plan....the status quo and the failure that FEMA have proven time and time to be.

  13. FEMA Has been a complete disaster under both GW Bush and Obama.

    As far as the blankets and other supplies FEMA and the Red Cross are handing out, Beggars can't be choosers, be thankful for what you are given.

  14. 4:12, The Breezy Point Queens' fire alone displaced close to 5000 year round residents. Over 100 houses were destroyed. Hoboken NJ a city of 50,000 was half underwater. The people who were affected here is no where near the numbers that were affected in NY and NJ. I wouldn't exactly call a couple of hundred compared to a couple of million a "little" higher.
    My friend who lives in upper Manhattan has friends who were affected staying with her and she said everyone she knows does. Alot of her coworkers are staying in their office. Areas are still flooded and yes people are having to be "creative" with bathroom duties until it is safe to rescue them. Electrical hazards are becoming prevalent and she also told me you can hear gas leaking all over which is particularly concerning.

  15. I expect as close to perfection as possible by a gov't agency so well funded as FEMA. I don't do well with 1/2 assed or 2nd best. They knew the storm was going to hit somewhere on the East Coast.
    As far as those who say years ago people prepared and didn't rely on govenment for disasters like this-not true-just about from the time this country had a professional military they were always sent in to help with disasters and people were handed out war and military supplies and rations.


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