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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Welcome To Maryland


  1. Welcome "comrade"

    Time to quit my job, and let the HISPANICS pay MY way.

  2. This is disgusting. Tolerance seems to be destined to allude you. Fairness and equality for all, you don't own the word marriage!

  3. Sickening and Disgusting!!

  4. Delaware will pass same sex marriage next.

  5. Leave your freedoms at the entrance.

  6. There has to be a better way to depict this than dishonoring the Marine Corp. Also, how the heck does Wendy Rosen get 27% of the vote when she isn't even a candidate. Boy, those Democrats are up to date on the news.

  7. As many of my Republican friends were so eager to say after the 2000 and 2004 elections, "Love it or leave it."

  8. The media won, Obama won, special interests won, but America, we the people lost big.
    Welcome to Socialism and Marxist culturalism and the destruction of American values, morality, equality and success.
    This election lowered the bar beyond all others. American exceptionalism has been redefined. We are now exceptional because of the low standard we will now achieve on the world stage.

  9. Let the marine corp do the honorable thing if they are so great..
    take this country back! we are now a socialist/communist society as of today.

    let the military say, enough is enough. Get this communist nut out of the white house.

  10. Oh no, the gays can marry. You know what's next don't you? We'll be stuck in multiple wars, end up with a high national debt, and have to deal with recession. Oh wait....

  11. What a boom to Ocean City! It can now become the gay wedding & honeymoon capitol on the East Coast.

  12. 9:52,
    You lost in a fair election, so now you want a military coup? You are not a true American. Get over it and try to get your side elected legally or move to Syria, where your ideas would be welcomed.

  13. Do you think Jim Ireton will now marry his gay partner.

  14. As many of my Republican friends were so eager to say after the 2000 and 2004 elections, "Love it or leave it."

    November 7, 2012 9:37 AM

    I wish I could, but alas, I have no money. I wonder if Obama will give me some. Heck he can always print more.

  15. Wow. This really opens the door for just about anything. Rome is burning..............

  16. GROSS!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe America is this stupid!!!!!! Gay Marriage?! It is bull!!! What next - You can marry your dog?! This Country is going to hell way toooo fast!!!!!!!!!

  17. Many of us have prepared to help a military coup. let's do it!

    it's the only way to get our freedom back.

  18. 10:31, your comment is treasonous. For shame. Can't win at the ballot box, reaching for the bullet box? Really?

  19. Dicks sporting goods has a "doorbusters" sale this saturday.
    a 357 magnum pistol
    this is a fact, not a joke.

    stock up now. you may need it.

  20. Guess we won't hear anymore about putting it to a vote. It was passed by the legislature and by popular vote. Same in Maine and Washington. Can we move on and put the energy and money somewhere else now?

  21. Watch the deficit grow in the great state of MD. We will have all the gays and mexicans moving here. No morality is left here. I want to leave as soon as i can and take my children with me. They are going to be the ones to suffer.

  22. So what, if gays want to get married let them get married. There are entirely too many people in this area that like poking their nose where it doesn't belong. It is not my place to delegate somebody else's way of life, and it is also not yours. If two gay people want to get married, let 'em go for it and join the pros and cons that the rest of us go through. This is not going to end humanity because a few have a different preference.

  23. That's right everyone. Just turn your head away from any and all behavior. Everything is ok isn't it? What's next? Sex with animals? Maybe we're too tough on kiddie porn? Perhaps give everyone that wants one a crack pipe..hell, they're only hurting themselves. This is totally disgusting and people that think like this are the problem. You're ruining what was once a great country and proud society..but no more. You MUST have values!

  24. This is totally un-American and un-Patriotic. It's time to revolt against the soft hearted liberals. This country is DOOMED and you people are to stupid to realize it. You voted for the Muslim not only once, but twice. How stupid can you people get.

  25. I believe in God, and unfortunately I believe that our nation's motto-"In God We Trust" needs to be revised because the fact is that it is NOT a fact.

  26. You guys make me sick. Get over yourselves already its 2012 and homosexuality is more common now then hetero. I bet half the people who are complaing so much didnt even vote yesterday. If you didn't vote than keep your mouth shuts. If you did vote and voted against get your heads out of the past and realize its the future. One day you will realize when your son or daughter comes home and tells you they are gay/lesbian and have a partner. What are you going to do disown your own child. Its time to grow the hell up MD and accept the fact that its legal now. They started a petition to take to the polls and lost in polls so stop crying about it and suck it all up and build a bridge and get over it. I think its good for the state of MD to set an example like this now grow up or get out. WE are all humans and people should be able to marry who we want and have all the same freedom after all this is America

  27. 12:34 You do realise that Eisenhower put that in there, it was never there before.

  28. 12:56 - My Husband and I did VOTE!! Notice, I said my husband and I!!! My Father and Father in-law and some of my other relatives have fought us to have this right called - Freedom of Speech!!!! So do not tell me to get over it!! I do NOT like gays or gay marriage!! Marriage is between a WOMAN and a MAN!!! God did not intend this Country to be this way and Yes, We go to Church every Sunday and no, that does not make me a better person But - I believe and EYE FOR AN EYE AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH! My right to own a gun and to keep what we work for!!! Also, we love our Family values and according to your statement you apparently have none!! Enjoy your next four years!!

  29. Its all part of God's master plan and this all must happen before his coming so store your treasures in heaven where they dont moth, rust and corrupt.

  30. 12:56 I do NOT like gays or gay marriage!!

    Really Christian of you.

  31. 2:09 Well thank goodness we don't base our laws upon the beliefs of a single religion!

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:56 I do NOT like gays or gay marriage!!

    Really Christian of you.

    November 7, 2012 2:46 PM

    There is nothing Christian about gays or gay marriage and accepting it is a sin.

  33. Gay and lesbians tend to be somewhat "weird" to me.
    When I see two women and one of them is dressed in army boots, overalls and flannel shirt trying to look like a man I assume , makes me a little nauseated. Then when I see two men together both smelling of strange cologne, dressed like girls and talking feminine also gives me a nauseated feeling. Sorry, but I really prefer the opposite sex. Not sure what turns them on to each other - its just not natural! Next they will be wanting to marry their dog (or cat).

  34. 2:46, Christians aren't allowed to "not like" things? I don't believe the word "hate" was used. And 10:26 I agree. I can't understand why when 2 men are together, one if not the other is extremely feminine. As well as when 2 woman are together one is usually very masculine. Is it because somewhere in their subconscous do they realize being gay is morally wrong? That marriage should be between a man and a woman? I keep hearing "it's not a choice, I was born this way" Would this then make being gay a birth defect? I guess you will be applying for disability from the government next due to your "birth defect". You can use all the excuses you want..it is morally wrong and WILL NEVER be accepted by everyone. If being gay is your lifestyle then fine. But why do you have to push for the same rights that a real marriage provides?


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