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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Was The 2012 Election Stolen?

As the 2012 election approached, conservative enthusiasm grew. Mitt Romney was drawing huge crowds while Barack Obama spoke in half-filled stadiums. All the passion lay on the right while the left was discouraged with a promised messiah who proved merely a politician. And the prediction was that, in contrast to 2008, Republican turnout would dwarf the tuned-out and carry the day. Hence the shock November 6 eve. How could Romney lose, especially by such a wide electoral margin?
Maybe he didn't
At least not legitimately.
When I predicted Obama's re-election, I stated that, despite our country's inexorable leftist slide, Romney would still win on Election Day were it not for vote fraud. I explained that the Democrats could steal more than enough votes in crucial swing states to turn the election. And I still believe what I did then: electoral criminality put Obama over the top.



  1. alex...everytime you comment it just re-enforces the notion you are an idiot. get a job, give up the free stuff and be productive.

  2. What an awesome retort.

  3. Maybe all the Democrats were at work.


  4. Alex said...

    No but 2000 was.

    So what do you know about it? Judging from the content of your posts, I would guess you were about 2 years old in 2000.

  5. I am an election judge and was able to catch one black democrat that was registered twice. Wish I can do more, and will still work for that!


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