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Monday, November 26, 2012

Walmart Workers Killed A Man On Sunday

If there's anything that Walmart didn't need on Black Friday weekend, it was a jaw-dropping headline about somebody dying in their parking lot after a run-in with a couple of employees. Unfortunately for the big box retailer, that's exactly what happened on early Sunday morning at a store in Lithonia, Georgia.

It's a sad, simple story. An unidentified man allegedly stole two DVD players from the electronics department and left the store through the front door. Two Walmart employees and a contracted security guard chased him into the parking lot. A "physical altercation" took place, and apparently, the security guard put the man in a choke hold. Police arrived soon thereafter to find the three workers on top of the suspected shoplifter who was unresponsive and bleeding from his nose and mouth. The man was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.



  1. It is a sad story...but if he had not stolen the DVD players he would still be alive. Hey kids, don't steal stuff, you could end up dead.

  2. He will get no sympathy from me.

  3. People are saying it is bad press for Walmart, plus the article referenced the trampling a few years ago. The case a few years ago was a group of idiot customers, this one is a case of idiot employees not following their training. Walmart is blameless in both instances.

  4. The ultimate blame IS Walmart. The buck stops with them.

  5. 9:21...you are wrong. refer to 6:28 and learn something today as you sit on the couch watching stories. get a job.

  6. thou shall not steal!
    sorry about his luck, but he was wrong.

  7. To bad he had to die this way.They should have shot him instead.


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