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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

U.S. Expected To Become World’s Top Oil Producer By 2020

The United States will become the world’s largest oil producer by around 2020, temporarily overtaking Saudi Arabia, as new exploration technologies help find more resources, the International Energy Agency forecast on Monday.
In its World Energy Outlook, the energy watchdog also predicted that greater oil and natural gas production — thanks partly to a boom in shale gas output — as well as more efficient use of energy will allow the U.S., which now imports around 20 percent of its energy needs, to become nearly self-sufficient around 2035.


  1. no no, obama killed the oil and gas industry, remember?

  2. Yeah. This cannot be. Must just be some Obama propaganda.

  3. Probably something along the same lines as Obama going to reduce the deficit by half by now and his other delusions of granduer that amounted to nothing except trillions more in debt. If you believe this one 4:06 I have a bridge to sell you.

  4. 419 I follow the facts instead of staking predetermined positions and trying to mold my reality around them.

  5. I could have sworn that the last time I tracked this stat that the US now imports about 60% of its oil needs.

    So where did the 20% figure come from in the article. This must be an error.

    Now here is another real eye opener. Remember Adolph Hitler. Well in the late 1930's the US produced almost 80% of the worlds oil and Texaco was the largest supplier to Adolph Hitler's Germany. Also, many do not know but US companies like Firestone Tire and Rubber Co, GM, Ford, were major suppliers to the Nazi regime.

    My advise - think twice about what you read.

  6. The "snake oil" this particular article fails to mention:

    "New — and controversial — techniques for sucking Black Gold out of the earth, including the chemically-intensive “hydro-fracking” process that pulls fuel from rock are helping drive up domestic production, the IEA said."


    "Still, some analysts were doubtful the unconventional oil drilling methods now boosting production can continue"

    Nothing more than hype-- minus quite a few FACTS--- for Obama to throw tax payer money at an experiment his buddies are involved in like Solyndra. Anyone who falls for this is foolish.

  7. Don't care about 2020. 2012 and 2013 Seem to be more of a problem right now.

  8. Obama just closed 1.2 million acres to oil shale development.

  9. It's like obamacare 5:49. It was written so nothing was implimented before the election. Same thing going on here. They say it but of course we will see zero results until obama is out of office is what they are telling us. It's a trick many of us can see right through.


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