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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Town of Ocean City announces new Planning and Community Development Director

After conducting a national search, which resulted in dozens of qualified candidates, the Town of Ocean City is pleased to welcome Matthew Margotta to the position of Planning and Community Development Director for the Town of Ocean City. The position became vacant in September 2012, when 30-year Town of Ocean City employee, Jesse Houston, retired.

As Planning and Community Development Director, Margotta will oversee the Planning and Zoning Divisions. The Planning Division, along with the Planning Commission, is responsible for preparing and maintaining the town’s Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning Division, on the other hand, administers and enforces the town’s zoning regulations, including reviewing development plans for code compliance.

“I am very pleased to welcome Matthew to the Planning and Community Development Director position,” said City Manager David Recor. “His knowledge, experience and leadership will be a great asset to the citizens in the community, as well as the future of Ocean City.”

Margotta joins the town from Ft. Pierce, FL, where he has held the position of Director of Planning since 2006. Before his time in Florida, Margotta was a Senior Planner for the Town of Bluffton and Hilton Head, South Carolina. A graduate of the University of South Carolina with a BA in Geography, Margotta is also a Major in the United States Army Reserves, where he has 25 years of service.

Margotta, who will formally begin on January 7, 2013, said he is extremely excited for the opportunity to participate in town’s planning effort, including the new strategic plan. “I look forward to working closely with the Mayor and City Council, in addition to the City Manager, the staff and the various boards and commissions, to coordinate Ocean City’s Strategic and Comprehensive Plan.”


  1. Understand he is a friend of new City Manager David Recor.
    Rumor had it he was a sure in for the position. Too bad someone with similar qualifications from the Mid-Atlantic area familiar with Ocean City did'nt get the opportunity???
    Wish him good good luck.

  2. No rumor, deal was done before Recors seat ever got warm. Here we go, and everyone said the "good ole boys club" wasn't elected. Wait until everyone sees who gets the Chiefs job, the Mare and Recor have already decided, but lets start the dog and pony show.


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