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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Today's Survey Question 11-7-12

Should a Person Be Jailed for Swearing in Court?


  1. Yes, every time a judge swears or is disrespectful on the bench they should be jailed and fined.

  2. Maybe not jail, but they deserve to be fined for that. Show some respect.

  3. Context of the swearing should be considered. The relative of a murdered person could "slip while testifying" so would that infraction deserve punishment?

  4. Swearing is part of the "New America", the one that votes in a president not born here, legalizes Gay marriage, legalizes smoking pot, allows cheating on SAT's, appoligises to the world for our greatness, ect. Yes cursing should be allowed.

  5. Contempt is contempt

  6. 11:49 Couldn't agree more! Everything is ok these days...just ask any Democrat sitting next you.

  7. Not unless it is done repeatedly and abusively, e.g. if it is directed at other parties, litigants or the judge.

    I do think fining folks is appropriate if they don't stop after one warning.

  8. 1149, stop your whining and crying. move on. You all are such sore losers. I can't stop laughing.

  9. well, well, well, you losers have taken it down a notch today I see. I can't be more pleased. more defeat is coming your way. you can count on it.

  10. You are correct 11:49. Swearing is the New America. When we have someone like Obama elected to any office much less the highest in the country, who takes one cent from the likes of Bill Maher who calls woman the most derogatory word ever, allows someone like JZ to "sing" his songs at his campaign event which commonly promote violence, contains vulgarity and more degrogatory terms for women we should expect swearing.
    Now that being said yes, there should be some punishment for swearing in court, but jail isn't the answer. These people wouldn't mind sitting in jail doing nothing. It is what they do best. As far as fining them, unless you can deduct it off their food stamp cards forget that.
    The only hope we have is that they either keep on continuing to murder each other esp before they have a chance to multiply or maybe yes, free birth control may be the answer unless we can come up with some spay/neuter plan. I think the gov't ought to pay them a couple of thousand dollars if they get spayed and neutered. It's our only hope.

  11. If you are testifying and repeating what was said, then yes. But if you are just trying to show emotion or trying to make a point through your words then no. People need to learn that when you sound like you have some sense by choosing your words carefully then they might actually take you seriously.

  12. If a man cannot be jailed simply because he is president, why should anyone be jailed?

  13. Dana said...
    If you are testifying and repeating what was said, then yes. But if you are just trying to show emotion or trying to make a point through your words then no. People need to learn that when you sound like you have some sense by choosing your words carefully then they might actually take you seriously.

    November 7, 2012 1:48 PM

    I think you got that backwards.

  14. Sounds good in theory but yeah I seriously doubt that anyone who is inclined to swear in court really gives a hoot if they have to sit in jail for any length of time.

  15. Only if its relavant to the case and is part of testamony


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