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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Today's Survey Question 11-14-12

Should The GOP Give Up On Social Issues?


  1. Yes, they have nothing to with governing the nation.

  2. No. Aside from the fact that they are at least as important as the economy (more important if you have the perspective that if your country turns to hell then who cares about the freaking money!), it won't work.

    Barack Obama is the MOST liberal president EVER. And they re-elected him. Why? Because he is THEIR GUY! He is ON IT when it comes to social issues (from the Dem POV). He didn't get re-elected by staying away from social issue or by being moderate with social issues! He got re-elected by being THE MOST EXTREME on social issues (this is a guy who voted 4 times against providing medical care to infants that are born alive following a failed abortion).

    Mitt Romney (and before him, John McCain) lost the election by being weak, moderate, wishy washy, and BORING on social issues. He stayed away from them as much as possible and came up with the least offensive sounding answers he could think of when he couldn't.

    Get it through your heads! Social issues aren't the problem - they are the ANSWER to the problem!

    Barack Obama, strong on social issues (from his party's POV), WON the election.

    Mitt Romney and John McCain, weak on social issues (from their party's POV), LOST 2 elections.

    Ding! Ding! Ding!


    Earth to GOP!!!

    Moderates are LOSERS!!

  3. Unfortunately, yes. Give the dummycrats what they want; let the bring America to their knees, only then can the healing begin. It will be a lloooonnngggg four years, but it may be necessary.

  4. No. They should just give up.

  5. Not really, but GOP should distance themselves from TeaParty crazies. That's what cost them elections and will continue to be detrimental if GOP continues to be hijacked by cantors and buchmanns of this world.

  6. NO! Lie about them like democrats and when you get in office do the oposite!!

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Yes, they have nothing to with governing the nation.

    November 14, 2012 11:19 AM"

    Another example of the loss of critical thinking skills so common with those who are the product of the US public school system.
    Part of "governing" is the economy. Social issues involve spending, whether it be health benefits/SS benefits, for a "spouse" of a same sex couple, free birth control, abortions, etc. It's all related.

  8. No. The GOP should come up with a gay/lesbian/transgender he/she as their next candidate for president and find a cross dressing running mate. It would also help if neither worked and has never paid taxes. They could get whiny and make promises that they can not keep and the votes will come rolling in. Get this straight - the economy does not matter anymore - the only thing voters care about are social issues. The funny thing is - if more people were working and paying taxes the Gov would have more money to fund social programs. Whatever...

  9. No. When they do. I will give up on them.

  10. I think the government should stop trying to legislate moral & social laws. That is up to God and his church!

  11. Hell no did obama give up cell phone, free housing, food-stamps, medicaid,Temp cash assistance,child day care .....on and on and on.


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