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Thursday, November 01, 2012

Today's Survey Question 11-1-12

Do you prefer well, city or bottled water?


  1. I have a carbon filter that my city drinking/cooking water runs through.

  2. Well. As a matter of fact my well consistantly tests more pure than the EPA guidelines for bottled water and this is without any kind of treatment/purification system.

  3. Depends where I am. Most of the time it's bottle water. I live in Pittsville and sorry but I don't favor drinking pool water.

  4. I'm fortunate to have really clean well water 160+ feet deep.

  5. Fruitland has delicious water. It's expensive, but good.

  6. Well. I've had it all, nothing quite like deep well water.

  7. I pump mine right out of the river. Puts hair on your chest.

  8. Deep well of course. Bottled my next choice though its unregulated, and city water is mixed with known carcinogens such as sodium fluoride which is proven to lower iq by 20% amongst other health problems

  9. Well water. City and bottled water is for the most part, the same. The plants for bottled water are in cities and they get the water from the tap.

    And as another alluded to, there are certain 'things' the cities put into their water to manipulate the masses. Such as fluoride, prozac, who knows what all?

    And with well water you won't get a bill every month for how much you use.

  10. Most bottled water is city water, straight out of the tap!

  11. Distilled water is my drink.

  12. well water's swell water

  13. My water is much too strong to drink straight! I have to "cut" it with Dewar's;<P

  14. I prefer city water, this way I get all those drugs they don't filter out. I love the way my mantitties have been growing do to all the estrogen the city leaves in the water!

  15. Don't buy any of the hype of bottled water household or fridge filter pitchers or trust even your own well especially here on the shore. Get a distiller.


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