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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today's Open Forum On Presidential Election


  1. Today will mark the day in history where the U.S.A. remains free or officially becomes Socialized.

  2. I just pray who ever wins, we get elected officicals who will govern by the FACTS and objective analysis of the data. Enough of the clown show on the floors of congress where members of both parties do nothing but smear and throw mud. And can we please as an electorate, living in the Information Age, get to a point where we all educate ourselves on the issues, not decide based on what Fox/MSNBC told us to think.

    And I'll also add, Gary Johnson, get your act together and be ready to make a big splash in 2016. We need more voices on the national stage and choices other than the donkeys or the elephants.

  3. My prediction-- and I hope I'm wrong-- Is that Romney will win the popular vote, but Obama will get enough Electoral votes to win.

  4. Does anyone, anyone at all have a good reason Obama should be re-elected? And please be honest not only with your reason, but with yourself, also.

  5. I voted during the early voting period and was pleased to see so many others doing the same.

  6. Nanticoke polling station was packed...motivated Republicans?

  7. 8:18 There is no reason to vote for him.
    His regime and Media monopoly are destroying this country with immorality and fiscal irresponsibility. All economic indicators prove we are worse off now than when he too office. At the time we were in a "deep" recession and nothing has changed for the better. It's gotten worse yet Democrats and liberal media have successfully convince the gullible that it is a "recovery".
    Vote for America. Vote to defeat the Obama regime fundamental transformation of America to communism. Vote to change the liberal media narrative. Vote to RAISE the bar not continue to lower it to Obama low life standards. Vote for American integrity and honor. Vote to defeat the racism in the White House. Vote to disavow union stupidity. Vote the inexperienced fraudulent community organizer out of Washington.


  8. For those who haven't voted yet wear RED!

  9. I do not understand how anyone could vote for our incumbent President. His record is beyond dismal and what this nation will be turned into is beyond a shame.

  10. Romney win, not by a landslide, but convincingly.


  11. I dont care HOW Romney wins...just as long as he is our next President

  12. I think Romney will win by a substancial margin. One the lack of Obama signs (lost his base), second those who normally would have a Romney sign, don't due to a fear of violence related to their choice in this election. Shouldn't be that way, but that's the way I see it today.

  13. I truly hope people have been awakened to the lack of good hope and change in these four years. I am hoping, and praying, the people will vote for what is fiscally right for this great nation. We need to make strides to turn our country around before it is too late.

  14. Obama is much more popular. It will come down to Ohio, as it usually does in these circumstances.

  15. 10:17
    I hope you are right.
    Hopefully a majority of the 47% will wake up and realize they are being used by the administration to bankrupt the nation as they have done in europe.

  16. I don't make predictions, I just hope people have enough sense to vote Romney!

  17. Anyone who goes to Pinehurst: NO LINE @ 10:30. In and out.

  18. Just voted in OC. Decent sized crowd. Lines maybe a 10 minute wait. All the poll campaigners and workers were pleasant. Nice expericence.

  19. Fruitland Inter. School 5 min line "Romney Voters"

  20. Delmar has small lines! Get out and vote!

  21. I predict the Gore versus Bush debacle of 2000 magnitude X 10, resulting in violence and mayhem in the cities. Socialists will eventually lose but not without major damage to entire political process.

  22. Actually Fruitland Inter. School the is NO line and I know for a fact that their are plenty if not more Obama voters...but i bet this won't get posted. SMH

  23. 8:18 a.m. I have PLENTY of reasons to vote for President Obama. Since you asked here are some of the reasons:
    1. I am a woman. I think I should have access to free preventative health care. I should also be allowed to do what I want with MY body. The Government should not decide this for me. President Obama believes in equality for ALL people. Anyone heard of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Likely, you don't care, but I do.
    2. He ended the war in Iraq, like he said he would.
    3. What is wrong with the Affordable Care Act? Hello?? This was a mirror of Romney's Massachusetts plan! Now it's ridiculous to you all for thinking health care should be made more affordable and lifetime caps are now removed? Really?! I guess no one out there has pre-existing conditions or kids under 26 that still need healthcare.
    4. PRESIDENT Obama thinks millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share in taxes, like the rest of us. Guess you all are millionaires.
    5. He cut middle class taxes. How dare he?
    6. He reduced student loan payments. Romney wants to kill the Pell Grant. Guess you guys already have your kids' college paid for.
    7. PRESIDENT Obama added 9 national wildlife refuges. Romney wants to destroy them by drilling. Guess you don't care about the environment for your grandchildren, as long as you have gas in your trucks, which you bought with your millions.
    8. Osama Bin Laden is dead, as well as several top Al Qaeda deputies. Doesn't matter though, since he delayed telling America the truth about Libya. I forgot Bin Laden only had thousands of Americans killed.
    9. He added over 5 million jobs and saved GM. Doesn't matter though because unemployment is still high.
    10. Romney doesn't give a hoot about animal rights. C'mon he placed his dog in a crate on his car's luggage rack for a 12-hour ride while the actual luggage rode in the back. To this day, he and Ann laugh about it! Really?!
    Nothing matters to conservatives because President Obama is a black (sort of true), Muslim (untrue), Socialist (HA!). America needs to wake up. This is 2012, not 1958. The USA is made up of millions of people, many of which are black, are of a different religion, have a sexual preference you don't approve of, or are in some way not just like you. So, since you asked, those are just some of the many many reasons Obama has my vote.

  24. I will tell you what scares me the most. A Romney win and the subsequent riots from those that feel "The Great One" got the shaft.
    Talk about a win/lose scenario!!!

  25. 818, I'll take a swing if we can stick to the facts and avoid all the childishness usually seen on this forum.

    #1 Obama steered the country through one of the worst economic crisis most of us have seen. Jan 09 we were bleeding jobs and stocks had crashed. Currently, we're gaining jobs (gov. job losses have depressed employmnet numbers) and stocks have shown a remarkable recovery (hope you didn't cash in that 401k). Those 12 million jobs Romney is promising? Already on schedule to happen under current policy according to Moody's.

    #2 great to have a president that understands that the rich don't magically create jobs for the sake of creating jobs. Job creation comes from consumer demand both here at home and abroad. Exports are up under this pres. Consumer confidence is up. And we'll see demand go up as jobs continue to recover.

    #3 Foreign affairs; Obama was right about Iraq from the start. Good to see our men and women coming home. Obama is bringing our men and women home from Afghan. after a decade of trying to build democracy for people that need to be doing so on their own. I'll take losing a hand full of our brave men in Libya over losing several thousand in an all out war.

    #3 The faster we stop getting bogged down with the bogus gay issue, the better we'll be. Glad Obama put that to rest as much as a pres. can by ending DADT and supporting gay marriage. Maybe now we can start focusing on the real issues.

    #4 Record deportations of illegals yet smart to not deport law abiding young adults who were brought here through no fault of their own.

    I can def. go on...

  26. 11:15, you must not read this board often. Else you would have seen plenty of the ill wishes for the health and safety of the pres. and his wife. Show your patriotism by standing up against all the threats of politically motivated violence, not phony outrage when the other side does it.

  27. LOL @ 1032, it's election day yet you still haven't taken time to read up on the FACT that the 47% Romney chose to call out is largely made up of GOP voters.

  28. Anonymous said...
    8:18 a.m. I have PLENTY of reasons to vote for President Obama. Since you asked here are some of the reasons:
    1. I am a woman. I think I should have access to free preventative health care. I should also be allowed to do what I want with MY body. The Government should not decide this for me. President Obama believes in equality for ALL people. Anyone heard of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Likely, you don't care, but I do.
    2. He ended the war in Iraq, like he said he would.
    3. What is wrong with the Affordable Care Act? Hello?? This was a mirror of Romney's Massachusetts plan! Now it's ridiculous to you all for thinking health care should be made more affordable and lifetime caps are now removed? Really?! I guess no one out there has pre-existing conditions or kids under 26 that still need healthcare.
    4. PRESIDENT Obama thinks millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share in taxes, like the rest of us. Guess you all are millionaires.
    5. He cut middle class taxes. How dare he?
    6. He reduced student loan payments. Romney wants to kill the Pell Grant. Guess you guys already have your kids' college paid for.
    7. PRESIDENT Obama added 9 national wildlife refuges. Romney wants to destroy them by drilling. Guess you don't care about the environment for your grandchildren, as long as you have gas in your trucks, which you bought with your millions.
    8. Osama Bin Laden is dead, as well as several top Al Qaeda deputies. Doesn't matter though, since he delayed telling America the truth about Libya. I forgot Bin Laden only had thousands of Americans killed.
    9. He added over 5 million jobs and saved GM. Doesn't matter though because unemployment is still high.
    10. Romney doesn't give a hoot about animal rights. C'mon he placed his dog in a crate on his car's luggage rack for a 12-hour ride while the actual luggage rode in the back. To this day, he and Ann laugh about it! Really?!
    Nothing matters to conservatives because President Obama is a black (sort of true), Muslim (untrue), Socialist (HA!). America needs to wake up. This is 2012, not 1958. The USA is made up of millions of people, many of which are black, are of a different religion, have a sexual preference you don't approve of, or are in some way not just like you. So, since you asked, those are just some of the many many reasons Obama has my vote.

    November 6, 2012 11:13 AM

    You are an idiot! You failed to mention your president watching 4 Americans get murdered in Benghazi and do nothing about it except employ a diversion tactic to say it was because of a youtube video that absolutely no one watched. It was a spontaneous protest that happened and the protestors just happened to have rocket launchers in your pockets. Maybe you and the rest of your muslim president lovers will think different when the islamic terrorist rape you like they did Christopher Stevens or behead you like they did Nick Berg. Wake up you soft hearted liberals and quit being ignorant idiots.

  29. To 11:23: THANK YOU! Glad to see I'm not the only open minded person who still reads Salisbury News!

  30. 11:13am said

    Nothing matters to conservatives because President Obama is a black (sort of true), Muslim (untrue), Socialist (HA!).

    If a person has a name like Barrack Hussein Obama only an idiot would claim that he is not a Muslim. You are right when you said America needs to wake up. You have been asleep for many years now.

  31. 11:30 There are plenty of us, it is just that the shouters on here tend to overwhelm. There are quite a few of us Obama supports, even here on the shore.

  32. 11:13 for starters-have you actually read Ledbetter? What exactly is in it that wasn't already a law?
    Obama did not end the Iraq War. Troops had to be out by Dec 31,2011 as per an agreement signed by Bush. Please read up on this because you couldn't be anymore incorrect if you tried. When I have time I will address other parts of your comments where you clearly are incorrect.

  33. 11:13 By no one's stretch of the imagingation does Romenycare mirror Obamacare.
    As a matter of FACT the parts that do (the most controversial) were vetoed by Romney but he was overruled by the Democratic controlled MA statehouse. Please educate yourself.

  34. @ 11:25
    Your response does not surprise me. As usual, it's always someone elses fault.
    How about you taken a look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. For the most part, the African American population lacks respect for authority. You can hear it in the music they listen too. Wake up! You should try focusing your effort on ecourageing those who are falsely living off of the system to become responsible citizens. But then again, you yourself are probably living off the system and are afraid your entitlements will go away if someone who actually knows something about running a business were to get elected.
    Does the deficit increase over Obama's first four years not scare you? Our economy is nearing a point of no return. An Obama victory will ensure we reach the point of no return. At that point, your entitlements WILL GO AWAY. Then the riots I referenced will be relaized.

  35. 11:13 as far as the pre-existing stuff in Obamacare, ever heard of HIPAA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountabiliy Act of 1996 (Clinton)? The pre existing illness problem was already addressed in this.
    Educate yourself.

  36. 11:29am. YOU are the idiot. What about the last republican president who caused the deaths of THOUSANDS (not just four) of people invading Iraq on the blatant lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. What about all the embassy attacks that have taken place under Republican administrations. 8:18 and 11:23 bring up valid points and it is idiotic to only consider comments that reflect your own narrow minded views. Stop attacking folks who have differing opinions. I'd like to hope that this is a forum where all views are welcome.

  37. 11:13 Where does it say anywhere that now you are entitled to free preventive health care? No where. All obamacare says is that you are entitled to heatlh care COVERAGE. No guarantee you will get preventive care.
    Obama sure has fooled you sister!

  38. Yesterday Obama said to an ever smaller rally audience, Don't boo... vote....vote for revenge. REVENGE? What revenge? This is a signal that he is unclear of the American voting process. Revenge is a hateful way to look at voting. Revenge for what?

  39. Obama DID NOT end the Iraq War. Read the Status of Forces Agreement which was signed by Pres Bush. I hate when people repeat that Obama ended this Iraq War when the FACT is he did NOT. Please people do your own homework! Obama can not be believed. He is a serial liar. He lies and counts on uninformed people to latch onto his lies and spread them.

  40. The best advice so as not to appear completely uninformed and clueless is to take anything and everything Obama says with a grain of salt and to check it out yourself. He counts on people who will take his word as gospel and then the problem becomes is when you repeat this stuff to well informed people they either think you are lying or are clueless.

  41. "Anyone heard of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Likely, you don't care, but I do."

    LOL-Are you aware that fair and equal pay for woman has been a law for like a hundred years now? Even Biden had sense enough to realize this act was just reguritating what was already law and is quoted as saying it was "no big deal."
    Nothing more than Dems attempting to push their War on Woman and totally useless time wasting repetitive legislation.

  42. Romney plan for GM which he wrote about in a 2008 NY Post op-ed was a tried and true plan of restructuring. It's been proven time and time again to be a success in reviving ailing companies. Obama's plan was/is nothing more than an experiment, which cost the taxpayers millions and GM is still teetering on the edge of ruin.

  43. 12:02, the "obama ended the war" claim comes from the fact that it was Obama who advocated for bringing the troops home ASAP even though his republican rival in 08 and plenty in the GOP accused him of being weak and cutting and running. The opposing side advocated for staying longer with a higher troop presence. They claimed he failed for not securing thousands of more troops in the war zone as well as for saying we were leaving in the first place. Same thing goes for Afghan. were there other side wants to committ to an open ended war.

    1155:"For the most part, the African American population lacks respect for authority."

    Look in the mirror and you will see the portrait of a racist. You claim to know how black people think based off of, what? A few music videos and some select clips from Breitbart? LOL. Thats like me sayin all whites are dumb hicks because I watched Larry the Cable guy. I'm black. I've got plenty of family members that are current/retired members of the armed forces, teachers, and law enforcement. The only lack of respect present if for clowns like you that claim to know anything about what an entire race of people think.

  44. Obama simply withdrew from Iraq under Bush's pre-determined exit stratagy.

    The affordable health care act is the highest tax increase on the middle class in modern day history.

    Obama speaks of revenge instead of the unity of a strong country, that's all he has left, is hate?

  45. 11:13
    Why do you think you are "entitled" to free healthcare? Why do you think it is someone elses responsiblity to pay for you to have healthcare. You want the freedom to do as you wish with your body yet you want someone else to foot the bill.

    Obama was not responsible for ending the war in Iraq. That date was set when Bush was in office.

    What is wrong with Affordable Care act? Well I guess since we will be paying for your portion you don't see a problem with it. Would you like to come help me pay my bills so I can afford something else? Again another entitlement for you on the backs of other tax payers

    He did not cut middle class taxes he extended the tax credit put in place by Bush

    Reduced student loan payments? I guess if they could find a job they could pay on their loan. Again most people wanted entitlements and free hand outs. They signed for the loan they are expected to pay for them

    So you are glad that Osama is dead yet are against the war that "Bush" started. If we were not over there trying to free these people from the likes of Osama and Saddam would we have even found Osama?

    He added over 5 million jobs? How many jobs were lost because of him? GM? your grandkids will be paying that bill for years to come and they are not out of the woods yet either.

    Really you are basing your vote on a sick dog that was on top of a car? How many dogs do you see with their heads out of the windows. While it sounds bad the dog probably loved it. At least Romey didn't dine on Fido for dinner like Obama did.

    I knew you would throw the race card in there. Please tell me which part of Obama we are racist against? He's 50% white is that the part that we are racists against? Muslim? If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck..
    How much do you really know about this guy? Why is he so intent on hiding many facts of his life.

  46. Actually Obama wanted an extention on the Status of Forces Agreement which would have kept troops longer in Iraq but Iraq said no so there was no choice and all US troops had to be out by last Dec.
    So if anything, Obama did not want to end the war but was forced to by Iraq. And now he says he ended it! How's that work?

  47. 12:31,

    A) it's not "free" healthcare when I as a working tax payer am paying into the system just like everyone else. And I guarantee you are apart of the crowd that rails against this type of social safety net, then begs for it when you find yourself unfortunate enough to be in a position where you'll need it.

    B) see my comment at 1228. Nice attempt at revisionist history there. I bet you were one of the ones screaming when Obama campaigned on bringing the troops home ASAP. Now you act as if he didn't do a thing. lol

    C)Guess you missed the "Making Work Pay" tax cut that was at the forefront of the Stimulus. My guess is that you are apart of the crowd that says everything good going on before Obama is a credit to Bush (taxes, oil production, etc.) but everthing bad that was inherited is still Obama's fault (recession).

    D)No one is stopping students from repaying loans. And last I checked it makes common sense policy to provide a hand up so that people who were not born into the Romney clan can actually get the skills needed to get ahead. Funny, on one hand you guys claim the poor don't want to do anything to get ahead. Then you bash the very people who are taking proactive step to get ahead.

    E)Afghan war good. Iraq bad. The two were not related. And now that we've been there training troops for a decade, it's time to make it clear to them it's either sink or swim on your own. The GOP would rather we stick around for another decade.

    F)You can't say "jobs lost because of him" when we had bled 4 mill jobs before he stepped foot into the whitehouse. You guys sound like it was really you who thought Obama was the "messiah" the way you apparently expected him to snap his fingers and stop a GLOBAL recession.

    G) the dog and the "closet muslim" stuff is all fodder for the fringe of both parties. Do us all a favor. If you're basing your vote on that kind of nonsense, stay home today.


  48. Wow. It's going to be a long day.

  49. @ 12:28
    You don't know me so don't suggest, for your benefit, that I am racist. As I said, "For the most part..." Thist does not suggest all but rather a majority. Your defense to my argument that there is only a "few" music videos that depict this hatred. You need to wake up. The airwaves are littered with this type of disgusting and crude attack on society including authority. Don't spend your life masking the real issues just to rationalize your political choices.
    By the way, you forgot to mention your family members who are judges, lawyers, astronauts, scientists, nobel peace prize winners, etc., etc., etc. Give me a break.

  50. The making work pay tax "credit" was a reduction in the amount of money they take out of your paycheck weekly. It did NOT lower the amount of taxes you have to pay at the end of the year.

  51. 12:50 and the president hob nobs with these misfits who call women hoes and use the 'n' word. Not to mention the "f" word! What kind of sleazeball man does this? We can say our president does! Isn't that nice? Our president condones women being referred to as "hoes." How sick is that?

  52. 12:57,pssst...that amount taken out of your check. It's called a payroll tax. When legislation reduces the amount taken out, it's called a payroll TAX cut.

    12:50 I know you by how you are representing yourself. To pigeon hole people based on race, regardless of whether you think it's "all" or a "majority", without any concrete empirical evidence on the population is the definition of being a racist. BTW, the fact that you think it's so unusual for a black family to have people in these occupations just further proves my point.

  53. @1:12
    Again, typical response. When all else fails, use the "race" card. MSNBC and CNN would be proud of the person they have created of you.


  54. democrats are the worst of society

    i wish they'd all just choke themselves

    or better, choke each other

  55. One thing that has come out of this election period is that white people have finally stopped caring about being called a racist falsely. Sure, there are some people of all races that are racist. But the hollow ring of just calling a white person a racist because they happen to be voting for a person other than Obama was over the top. It's absurd to suggest that the only reason a white person would vote for Mitt Romney is because he is white. And I voted for Obama! I'm just tired of the ridiculous, unchallenged, lazy stereotypes that the PC police allow.

    I'm white. I voted for Obama twice. And I accept that many will vote for Romney not because they are racist, but because they geniunely disagree with Obama's policies. I respect that.

  56. This "payroll tax cut" (2%) was a cut in the employee's portion they pay into SS. While sounds appealing it did nothing to boost the economy,and most people understand what it is doing to further bankrupt SS.
    Another dumb idea.

  57. People aren't so much racist anymore as they tend to sterotype. When someone listens to and enjoys the violence portrayed in quite a bit of the hip hop/rap music then one can conclude they condone violence. It's not different than someone who enjoys watching child porn.

  58. You can see from these comments that the only reason Hussein Obama has a chance is because he is likable and he is a serial liar. Too many people believe his falsehoods and think he is worthy of a vote. Yesterday, he was telling a crowd that he had REDUCED the deficit over the past four years! All of his deficits have been almost 3X the highest deficit of any predecessor!

  59. @12:58

    I agree Obama hangs with J-Z and his foul mouth and putting women down with hateful words. However, that lyin' "I didn't inhale, I didn't have sex with that woman," douche bag of a man, Slick Willy Clinton is even worse!

    Al Gore wasn't even hard up enough to even ask Clinton to endorse him, the Obama camp must be very desparate, to use Clinton as a man of a lot of character to support Obama. Wow, the best ya got is a douche bag?

  60. No matter who wins, I hope that we will not turn on each other because of who the other voted for. Today is the day that counts by voting and what no matter who wins, we are all together in this as Americans. If you don't vote, then, in my opinion, you don't have any right to cry tomorrow.

  61. You are not kidding 1:42! Obama counts on the not well informed to spread what amount to nothing more than lies. It's amazing. One of the latest Obama lie is that Romney will cut funding to Planned Parenthood an organization that 1000's of women depend on for mammograms. PP doesn't do mammograms!!!!!
    He pulls stunts like this all the time and people go and repeat these lies. I would be mortified to repeat that Obama ended the Iraq War knowing full well that quite alot of people do know the fact of this matter and would think I was a complete dumb ***.

  62. New topic : "Romney's refusal during his campaign to release his past tax returns betrayed a contempt for the electorate and for the democratic process, which relies on voters having the requisite information to make informed decisions," said University of Southern California law professor Ed Kleinbard. "The reason for the tradition of releasing past tax returns -- not returns prepared in the years an individual is running for the presidency -- is to demonstrate that the candidate fully and fairly complied with the tax laws when the spotlight of the election was not already on him."

  63. 11:13 says-" I should also be allowed to do what I want with MY body"

    Are you aware that already under the Affordable Care Act certain drugs previously approved by the FDA are now not available due to the cost of them? So in other words you had been prescribed a certain asthma med that had worked well for you and now under Obamacare it is now not available in the US.
    Under Obamacare we have lost alot of our freedoms in choosing a course of treatment. The new restrictions under this Act are unbelievable.

  64. @2:01
    Are you kidding me? You want this as a topic? After all of the personal information that Obama has "sealed" under Executive Privilige. You may be sorry you brought this up!

  65. 2:01

    Romney did release more income tax information, why do you think Obama quit beating that dead horse?

    That would be in every current Obama speech up until the last minute had Romney not released them. He shut them up. Wake up and smell the roses Moses!

  66. Hogwash 2:01. Common sense dictates that if Romney were a tax cheat it would have been caught no matter the year. His long time accounting firm has a reputation they will and want to uphold also so this is a non issue.

  67. 8.18 is very misinformed.that is very scary. please get out and vote.

  68. the venom coming from this thread is one of the saddest displays of the human condition I've ever seen.
    To quote Al Czervik from Caddyshack..."now i know why tigers eat their young."

    People have different ideologies, beliefs, values, skin color, genders, ages, backgrounds, bank accounts, and the thing about being an American is you get to have all of that, and you get to have a vote in whom YOU believe should run this country.

    but since everyone (well not everyone, but you know what i mean) has a right to vote...once you cast yours, pipe down (and i say that much more diplomatically than i actually mean) and get back to your little slices of America, turn on the cable news channel of your choice that just feeds you the information you already believe..rather than challenge you on the beliefs of others...pour yourself a drink and revel in the fact that you got to do THAT much.

    But, we live in a narcissistic world where people think that if they tweet about it or if the just talk louder than everyone else, then they are right, and people should follow suit.

    The worst part is you people actually believe you are going to change anyone's mind with the stuff you write on here.

    you won't, so you stand around and spit venom at people on the other side from this little slice of cyberspace with people who think just like you, and it's a waste of time....you have as much chance to change someone's mind with the content of this post as a construction worker has of getting laid by a posh business lady he catcalls on a city street.

    you are just beating your chest with your ideologies, and it's juvenile.

    there is a grand canyon like divide between the aisles, and the negativity and the buyout strategy of this election is appalling.

    until we change the way we elect our leaders....ie, we essentially pick the guy who raised the most money....we are bound to reap what we sow.

    i look forward to november 7th for the cleansing aspects of all this ideological ugliness, but november 7th scares me too....because i don't think either guy has it all right.

    there may be a clear choice in the minds of voters....but there's no clear cut answer to the question of "how in the hell do we improve as people."

    we should all be ashamed of this political bickering....cast your vote, and then sit back and realize it's out of your hands...and whatever happens...the day will end and it will begin again, and Americans will carry on and overcome.

    My issue is how much we obviously hate each other, and i wonder how i am going to try and raise my kids in THIS type of world.

    think of it this way...we all want to give the people we love the world...but what happens when THIS is the type of world we are giving to them?

    you can commence with calling me names that will not hurt me...or calling me un-American, or whatever....I'm going to pour a stiff drink and watch Golden Girls episodes till the polls close.

    If we better ourselves, we better our country. There must be a better way.

    seacrest out.

  69. Dear 2:01....
    if you believe Romney's "past" is an issue then can you, will you, make the same arguement for Obama releasing his full college transcripts and applications? I agree on the returns but to be consistent we need both.
    As for tax law compliance, that is not for the people to decide as the IRS still addresses tax cheats. Maybe we could ask Tim Geitner to take a look? He'll know a tax evader and cheat when he sees one.

  70. Earlier post Romney ties dog to top of car!

    Let's see! Would I rather be tied to the top of the car and arrive safely or be eaten as Obama has admitted to doing?

    I will supply the rope!!!!

  71. 8:18 obviously does not read.

  72. 2:13 is correct. Of course my taxes are no where near as complex as Mitt Romney's but I do have investments, a trust and other issues that require more than just H & R Block (nothing against H & R) to do my taxes. I use a large firm similar (50+ offices) to the Romney's. There is no way in hell these firms going to risk not only their reputation but also their livelyhood just to save a client money. It just doesn't happen. The Romney's taxes are as solid as they come.

  73. 2:01 I think you need to wake up and smell reality! Yes, you are correct. Willard did release his tax returns - from 2010 - 2011. He paid 14%. How about tax returns pre-2010??
    Aside from that, I love how he has this 5-point plan that absolute NO economist can verify AND he's going to bring Americans jobs. How? What is his plan, since he is well known for outsourcing US jobs to China. I find anything he says hard to believe since he flips on so many issues.

  74. Paul Adams FDNY/9/11 Retired 1324November 6, 2012 at 3:10 PM

    I was a 25 yr union democrat in NY and voted for Obama and i am very angry on how he has given away this country and bowed down to ISLAM and pushing this country further and further into debt, but unlike most democrats i have changed sides to the republican party for for the good of the COUNTRY.

  75. I could never ever relate to Obama. Not only his choice of JZ to introduce him yesterday but also his relationship to Maher who calls women the 'c' word. If Obama were a decent man he would not have take one dollar from Maher. It is particularly sickening that Obama has 2 daughters. I wouldn't give anyone the time of day who calls women whores and the 'c' word and any father of 2 daughters who does condone this is really sick in the head. Almost seems perverted to me.

  76. WooHoo Way to Go Paul! I switched sides 20+ yrs ago.

  77. Unfortunately the ignorant, lazy, entitled lower class are the ones running this Country into the ground. Their indiscretions have put themselves at the bottom of the barrel and now they are bringing down the hard-working middle and upper class citizens. There is no willingness to work when you get everything for "free." These people aren't voting for Obama, they are voting for the materialistic freebees that they will receive. All it takes for many people is see somebody say that they got an "ObamaPhone" for them to cast a vote. That's how easily the uneducated are influenced.

    Many minorities and minority organizations vote and promote voting for the minority candidate because they feel it is their duty and obligation to do such. For example, what do Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAACP get out of supporting Obama? NOTHING! Is he going to make everything better for blacks? NO! Has he even done anything in office to promote advancement or betterment of blacks? NOPE! Race is mute point in this election. If somebody votes for Obama because they truly believe that he is the best man for the job then that is acceptable. If somebody votes for Obama simply because he is "black" then they are simply an ignorant waste of a vote.

    We haven't even had an opportunity to see how ObamaCare is going to further destroy the economy. The government is going to further tax the middle and upper class to recoup the health expenses of the lower class that eats junk food paid for with food stamps. Hospitals are going to deteriorate because they will be serving more with less. Malpractice claims will go through the roof causing a further deficit in doctors. I believe that everybody is entitled to healthcare, but nobody is entitled to free healthcare. I have health insurance because I know the RISKS of not having health insurance. Health insurance spreads the risk among those who pay into it and benefits only those paying into it; Obama care spreads the risk among those who pay into it and benefits those who do not.

    Obama hasn't ended any wars. Bush is responsible for Iraq and when my best friend comes home from Afghanistan then we'll talk about that one!

    Jobs may have been created but more have been lost. I can be the mayor of SmallTown and bring in a couple businesses that create 25 jobs, but if 5 others go out of business and strand 75 jobless then while I may have created 25 jobs, there are still 50 without jobs. Lets start talking NET JOB loss/gain and then you will see how Obama is really doing. They don't use the unemployment rate as much as they use the "jobs created" stat.

    Bottom line, If the burdens on our society and economy prevail during this election, we will see a MASSIVE failure in our society, government and economy in the next 4 years.

  78. What are you talking about 2:55? Many many economists are praising Romney's plan. I think I'll get on with verifying this fact for you so you can eat crow! See you soon!
    As far as jobs? His pipeline plan will create a ton of jobs. Not only on the pipeline itself, but manufacturing related to the pipeline, jobs for environmentalists who will work along with the companies to reach environmentally sound drilling practices. All businesses located near drilling will benefit. It's called trickle down-when a large business opens up-the area around it also prospers.

  79. 2:55, The 5 point plan includes achieving energy independance. No one can say this isn't the best idea ever. This alone if it isn't obstucted by the dems will create jobs like nothing we have ever seen.
    #2-fair trade. Everyone including obama agrees with this. Problems been obama hasn't done anything about it. Too busy worrying about passing obamacare.
    #3 better skills for students. this includes the skills we need in this country like a concentration on skills related to energy independant using the resourses we have and not experimenting with "green" energy.
    #4 cut deficit. this is a no brainer.
    #5 cutting the red tape on small business and burdensome regulations including fees. In other words is it fair for a small manufacturing company (that employs 5 people) to have to pay the same fees as a large company that has millions in profits? Romney wants to level the playing field so small business can compete with large business so jobs are spread out and not just where big corps are located.

    the only economists who don't like this are in bed with obama.

  80. @3:19
    I think I can almost hear someone getting ready to call you a "Racist". Wait........wait.......it's coming.

  81. In all my years of voting never had to wait on line till today it was great!

  82. There is something that the people that live on welfare all their life will never experience. Something that the working class will feel and the welfare crew will never be able to take it away. There is a certain pride and accomplishment when you work and earn you own living. Little as it may be at times you feel good when a bill gets paid or a loan gets paid off or you are supporting your family however difficult it sometimes is. They will never be able to feel the pride an accomplishment no matter how they try to twist it. So in the end most of us can say we worked to get the things we want they were not handed to us. We appreciate things more since we worked for them. My grandparents would always say "where there is a will there is a way" and it took me a few years to get it but I got it. I may not have a lot but nothing was handed to me.

  83. I've been listening to Romney and his "plan." The energy independance and his education plan go hand in hand. Right now we have a ton of college grads with nothing more than useless degrees including but not limited to engineering, accounting, environmental studies. All of these students could benefit if these jobs in the energy field were available. He's also stressed that alot of these jobs wouldn't require a college degree but more of a vocational type of training like pipe fitters, plumbers, electricians etc.
    It is a common sense approach that would work if not obstucted.

  84. Great comment 3:46. I can relate.

  85. @3:46
    I'm telling you, 12:28 and 1:12 are getting ready to throw "it " out there.

  86. I predict a shocking Romney win!! Happy days here again!!

  87. Romney consulted with the top people in the field to come up with all his ideas. One thing everyone can be certain about-Mitt Romney,as do all CEO's, Romney has a 6th sense about him. They know how to pick people who can do the best job in a particular field. That is what they are good at. If Romney wins his cabinet picks are going to be top notch experts in the field.

  88. God I hope! Happy Days again without the Socialist Muslim! There I said it! I have another name that comes to mind!

  89. This is going to get ugly, GOV, Christie of NJ is going to accept voting bt e-mail, text and now is extending election day in NJ until Friday.

    So many are frustrated at these temorary voting stations are also having power problems.

    All in all NJ is going to be an Obama state in the electoral count, so no matter what they do it won't change the electoral count for NJ, just delay the final election results for a few more days.

    Feel like the voters are being manipulated? Blame Obama for not having a FEMA plan in place for this voting event!

    The news beat us to death for a week that the storm of the century was coming, like Benghazi, Obama was asleep at the wheel again.

  90. Obama's do-nothing, welfare base has to be getting nervous.

  91. When Barack Hussein looses, anybody else think he'll head for Europe or South America? He could easily get elected in a number of socialist countries. I see him getting board with America.

  92. Almost 3 hours have gone by since some of the most important comments of the day were written here yet no one bothers to even acknowledge them. Please folks, go back and read the post at 2:29 pm. The comments there certainly made me hopeful that we could use this forum for civil debate rather than the vitriolic cesspool it has become.

  93. Why is no exit polling data out yet? All I'm getting is 5 min ago CBSNews released economy 60% top issue.

  94. Got to the polls early this morning. Good turnout. We were directed to the area where our District voted in the local Fire Hall building. No line really and were directed to alphabetical tables. Both Wife and I had our voting cards but only she (Democrat registration) and Son (Independent registration) were on the books for our family. I was directed to the "trouble table" where I stood for what seemed forever. The people here had no communications outside of their cell phones and none of them could get through to their "help line". Finally, I offered that I had not changed address since 2007 and that the Republican candidate for the district I was voting for was my neighbor (and I had a valid voting card that had been mailed to my in July). I guess that was the right thing to say because I got the fast track after that. Our polling place was the local fire hall so they had to have reliable phone communications. Whoever did the planning for Delaware elections though assumed too much and made no accommodations of the polling workers.

  95. heres what i find so funny about most of these posts......maryland and delaware are BLUE states!!!romney looks like nothing more than a used car salesman....he doesnt speak to the average american and how can he? he has never had to get his hands dirty in his life tho not his fault. his plans will do nothing for the middle class...and for college grad jobs really????? How many white collar jobs really exist? I dont have five mins of college have worked in a trade for over twenty years using my hands and ive supported my familly and have never gone 24hrs without a job...working class people make the world go around remember that!Although im not happy with obamacare and the socialism we head for that began long before obama id wouldnt give romney five mins...hes been dishonest at almost every turn and even when called out by the media he refused to change. he could care less about the middle class as he doesnt even know who we are.....

  96. Gonna spend my evening with MSNBC on TV and this blog on my computer. My version of "Fair and Balanced".

  97. I am really upset about something. This is the century of the hanging chad and the Ohio votes that werent counted.
    Having said that, I was told today that I had to fill out a provisional ballot because I moved back in March of this year, and that the voter roll has me and my husband at our old address. I offered my drivers license and the little paper (with confirmation of the new address) the DM
    V gives when you change your address. I have been looking at the election board's website which says that "provisional ballots are not a alternative to electronic voting." The volunteer at the polling place (Pittsville Elementary) told us that this happened "21 times today here." We changed our address with the state, with the IRS and with the DMV, as we have done in all our 14 moves, and have NEVER been told to vote on paper because our addresses did not match. CAN ANYONE HELP>>>WE NEED TO KNOW OUR VOTES ARE COUNTED AND THIS HAS LEFT US WITH A BAD TASTE IN OUR MOUTHS ABOUT THE ELECTIONS.

  98. 3 minutes till first polls close. Gonna be an exciting night no matter what side of the fence you're on. Democracy in action. We are all so lucky to live in this great nation.

  99. I am really upset about something. This is the century of the hanging chad and the Ohio votes that werent counted.
    Having said that, I was told today that I had to fill out a provisional ballot because I moved back in March of this year, and that the voter roll has me and my husband at our old address. I offered my drivers license and the little paper (with confirmation of the new address) the DM
    V gives when you change your address. I have been looking at the election board's website which says that "provisional ballots are not a alternative to electronic voting." The volunteer at the polling place (Pittsville Elementary) told us that this happened "21 times today here." We changed our address with the state, with the IRS and with the DMV, as we have done in all our 14 moves, and have NEVER been told to vote on paper because our addresses did not match. CAN ANYONE HELP>>>WE NEED TO KNOW OUR VOTES ARE COUNTED AND THIS HAS LEFT US WITH A BAD TASTE IN OUR MOUTHS ABOUT THE ELECTIONS.

  100. Obama takes Maryland.

  101. Obama takes Maryland.

    November 6, 2012 8:08 PM

    Yeah with 75% of the vote. I am ashamed to live here.

  102. I weep for this country. It is going to hell in a hand basket and we are going to re-elect the idiot carrying the basket. The old majority is now the new minority. That's it. I'm moving to Canada!

  103. God help us if Obama wins.

  104. 10:49, you're not going to like Canada. ;)

  105. Obama is the president that the we deserve. Obama is God's wrath on our country.

  106. Screw it I'm getting an Obama phone if you can't beat him join em

  107. What does that say about the Republican Party? If they can't run a candidate that can defeat President Obama. Karl rove is a dinosaur . Tea trades can suck it.

  108. I'm buying gold your dollars will be no good in four years god help the usa

  109. Obama phone was introduced by Bush.. Get your facts straight. .America has voted. Stop watching fox news.

  110. If you have any chance of getting thru this you must be debt free I'm cashing in my 401k to pay mine off stocks will hit all time lows start to panic people

  111. Well at least we avoided the riots for now

  112. Thank god we have the end to look forward to on 12~21~12

  113. 11:43-And just what will you do when your alarm clock wakes you up on the morning of 12-22?

  114. Just think in four years Maryland will vote for Biden
    What do you know things can get worse

  115. 11:31 has a point. Karl Rove has some splainin to do.

  116. Obammy got 93% of the black vote and 69% of the latino vote. What would that suggest?

    Who is he going to blame for the mess he inherited this time?

    Obammy must have also got the mentally challenged vote as well, as evidenced by Alex' statement.

    I would rather have had the riots to deal with and get a chance to shoot some of the sub-humans than to have him win.

  117. So, once again, it is proven, if you don't live in a battleground/swing state, your vote means nothing.

  118. Conservatives are better armed

  119. 12:27...what 93% of the black vote and 69% of the Hispanic vote suggests is that the Republican Party will have to develop more inclusive policies if they will ever win the presidency again. Like it or not, these demographics will only get stronger in number.

  120. 12:38 AM

    Damnit son, don't talk sense when I'm mad as hell. lol jk

    But ur right. They were talking about that same thing on t.v.

  121. At least have a decency to lose with decency

  122. I keep see Karl Roves name. This is the problem with the republican part. You are married to old white radical men. You need to get rid of Rove, limbaugh....Fox News lies.. The average American is tired of the right. It was shown this evening. The Republican Party is in big trouble in the future,

  123. With Maryland passing gay marriage and 2 states legalizing weed I think it's pretty obvious that the days of the christian right being a major player on the national stage are over. Sure, they can hold power in some states, but nationally? I don't see it.

  124. @ 1:52 AM

    Well... if you believe that God has a plan, then passing gay marriage and legalizing weed are in that plan.

    MAY BE people should stop trying to legislate their religious perspectives. This country provides liberty, with that the freedom of religion, it's almost perverse that religious people would then turn around and try to legislate to enforce their religious dogma on others to inhibit others liberties.

  125. The uneducated , the black militants , the criminals , the gangs , and the just plain ignorant have put this man back into office for another term.
    This my friends will destroy the country. There will be weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth.
    Prepare yourselves.

  126. Joe,

    Do you really want to run for Mayor of Salisbury? Clearly, there is a changing of the guard in this Country and State and your political ideals are those of a dying breed of dinosuars. I mean, why bother.

  127. The Republicans don't see, to be able to put forth a candidate that has truly broad appeal, because they are too beholden to the religious right and to the tea partiers/government haters.

  128. I've been saying all you have to do is look around you and it was obvious. The entitlement/anything goes mentality is overwhelming. Of course WorCo picked Romney but standing in line for the OC local election the changing demographics was clear.
    As with the local OC election results and the presidential all you have to do is demonize your opponent, misstate facts, allow threats and pander to the welfare crowd and most likely you will win. It's the new America who has their hateful hand out and that's who is deciding elections.

  129. Oh well......it's over now. He can now make his secret deals with Russia. The U.S. as we knew it is gone. Her fate is sealed. But it's whatever. I say we all turn in our paid verizon phones and get Obama phones. Stop working and get stamps. Hell...if you can't beat 'em....join 'em.

  130. 1238 what cracks me up is that they complain about minorities not supporting them at the same time that they slap minorities in the face.

  131. 1227; "Who is he going to blame for the mess he inherited this time? "

    I think you missed the entire point. Pres. Obama came in during an economic crap storm and he successfully guided the ship through it. I think most people voting for him understood that it takes more than 4 years to turn around a global economic meltdown. Conservatives seem to be the only ones who really thought Obama was the "messiah" who could make things all better with a snap of his fingers. Now if things aren't better in 4 years, I guarantee Dems will lose big in 2016.

  132. Four more years of lots more tears!

  133. Ah, it is a great day to be in Maryland!

  134. Turning your back on God and moral values will bring this country to its knees. Hell it is happening as we speak. Arm yourselves christian soldiers the crusades will come again. It will not be long and being a christian will be outlawed. We are nothing that our forefathers faught for. Time to move to the Great White North.

  135. Just got a notice that now Obama is the President again, there is going to be cut back at work, owners can’t afford the “Obama Care”, so I think I will just go with it, get laid off, stay on unemployment for a year or two, then get on welfare, get my free phone, get my food stamps, since I got kids I’ll get free TV cable, my heat will be paid, can’t let the kiddies get cold, get my free internet to (look for a job) ha, ha.
    I’ll get $185.00 a month in cash for my other expenses, (beer and cigarettes).
    Hell, I’ll be better off than when I was working!

  136. Alex said...
    At least have a decency to lose with decency

    November 7, 2012 1:16 AM

    We all have lost jackass. Your kind just can't see it yet.

  137. Hell, I’ll be better off than when I was working!

    November 7, 2012 9:03 AM

    That's what the ones who voted this idiot back in already know.

    Merry Christmas

  138. 845, who turned their back on God? Gays were already gay before yesterday. And I'm sure no one lost their christian faith after last night.

  139. I think you missed the entire point. Pres. Obama came in during an economic crap storm and he successfully guided the ship through it.6:28 AM

    Are you still asleep? You really believe that crap? Guided us through? Through what?!

    The economy is WORSE now than when liar in chief first fooled you.

    Why are we wasting our time on people like you. You can't help those who are brain dead.

  140. 1005, don't don't you understand about basic math. Jan 2009, 4 million jobs lost, Dow down over 5000pts. and things still headed into a tailspin. Are you saying we're currently in the same boat? If so, please find your pills quickly.

  141. well the election is over...for all of you who wanted a romney win and are now crying fowl really???..did you really think the american people would be fooled by the polished used car salesman look? His own state bailed on him.He never spoke to the common man.Not his fault in some ways as he was born wealthy.The republican party needs to wake up! If they want to win an election ever again its time for them to use real people not dressed up robots.I tried to give Romney a chance through out this election couldnt find anything about him to be honest...sure hes a smart business man but thats about it and hes only been good at building big business not small...he doesnt know what it is to be middle class and i hope after being blown out twice he has enough sense to just go away....

  142. congrats to the people of ocean city!!! looks like the right people got the votes and the trash was Halled out. time for good things in oc!!!! looks like the town council can now be a class act!!!!

  143. Anonymous said..

    MAY BE people should stop trying to legislate their religious perspectives. This country provides liberty, with that the freedom of religion, it's almost perverse that religious people would then turn around and try to legislate to enforce their religious dogma on others to inhibit others liberties.

    November 7, 2012 4:24 AM


  144. Are you saying we're currently in the same boat? If so, please find your pills quickly.

    November 7, 2012 10:28 AM

    I'm saying we are in a worse boat!

    You got a job? Millions don't. And more will lose them when obammycare kicks in full force.

    Which is about the only thing he has accomplished in office. And nobody wants that.

    This is one time I would be happy to be wrong. I don't think I am. But we will find out in 4 years

    IF, I am still here and more importantly, IF AMERICA is still here.

  145. 1005, don't don't you understand about basic math. Jan 2009, 4 million jobs lost, Dow down over 5000pts. and things still headed into a tailspin. Are you saying we're currently in the same boat? If so, please find your pills quickly.

    November 7, 2012 10:28 AM

    I think you are confused. I was addressing 628am.

    Try and keep up lol

  146. "Anonymous said...
    congrats to the people of ocean city!!! looks like the right people got the votes and the trash was Halled out. time for good things in oc!!!! looks like the town council can now be a class act!!!!

    November 7, 2012 10:55 AM"

    Your definiton of class is different than mine 10:55.
    I was more than disappointed in the lack of civility surrounding the Ocean city elections. While walking out of the center after voting yesterday we saw signs urging people to NOT vote for someone. I told my husband and friend that is exactly why I could never run for office. In order to get elected anymore you have to lower yourself and engage in demonizing your opponent. It was disappointing to see the mayor and the 4 who won allowing this to occur. If I were one of them I would have never allowed this. This is why most people will not run anymore. Only a few people are willing to lower themselves to the level the winners did yesterday in Ocean City. Anymore to expect civility and refinement out of people is too much to ask. People don't mind seeming less than desirable in the eyes of society. I can not imagine the hate these people can have in their hearts.
    Even though I am on a different side than Sen Jim Mathias he ran a campaign that was noteworthy for it's civility as did Michael James 2 yrs ago. These men are the definition of class and the new OC council could learn alot from both of them.

  147. LOL-Yes what does 10:55 know about the word "class." Your statement alone proves you have none.

    I agree 2:07. I didn't like the signs and feel if someone can not run on their record then they would do best to not stoop so low as to demonize their opponent. I expected such in the national election but not the local OC.
    It is disheartening and I look at the winners, supporters and their families with pity. If they have children it is a shame they have such hateful hearted parents because it is a learned trait and the cycle won't be broken. Ocean City elections were NEVER like this and yes I also agree some lessons need to be taken from real true gentleman elected officials like Jim Mathias, Fish Powell and remember the true ladies who served such as Mrs Harman and Mrs Thelma Connor.


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