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Friday, November 09, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 11-9-12

The reason Obama won was _____.


  1. Best man for the job!

  2. The American people elected him in a near landslide.

  3. Republicans are anti everything and people are sick of it.


  5. Because he received the majority of the participating votes in enough states to total over 300 electoral college votes.

  6. those that have never worked and receive goverment entitlements and Obama phones put him in for another four years.

    1. 12:39- I've worked for over 20 yrs. Never been unemployed, thank God. Never had to use any government assistance. And I voted for Obama!! Don't like lazy people any more than the next person. But poor people on welfare vs. corporate welfare. That's a no brainier.

  7. rigged elections... also note the state obama won in... all the ones he won had NO voting ID laws

  8. No doubt he got the 47% of those who get free s__t as well as those who never took the time to really see what he is all about. You tell me that someone whose background was a community organiser and never having a job has the credentials to be the leader of the United States. With the support of someone like George Soros this country is doomed. People really need to look into his background and find out what he truly represents. This is not sour grapes and I hope those who voted for him feel his wrath for the next four years.

  9. Anonymous said...
    The American people elected him in a near landslide.

    November 9, 2012 12:32 PM

    Landslide? Are you kidding? He barely surpassed the numbers.

  10. Sore losers. And they're wrong, too.
    How'd that work for them?

  11. That no one wants to vote for a candidate who says one thing in the primary and then something COMPLETELY different in the general election

  12. Three reasons.
    1. He should have picked Rubio instead of Ryan. I like Ryan & think he is very smart but he couldn't carry his own state.
    2. Romney should have pushed hard on Benghazi in the foreign affairs debate. Question was brought up early in the debate and if Romney would have hammered Obama on this he would have been flustered the rest of the debate.
    3. Hurricane Sandy. His photo op with Gov. Christie helped him. I am convinced if the election was 30 days later it would have been different.

  13. Voter Fraud

    How can more voters vote for Obama in Pennsylvania then are registered to vote?

    Repbulicans are to weak to stand up to voter fraud.

  14. because too many people are uninformed of the issues.

    listen to howard sterns interviews of people, most do not have a clue as to what is going on, or where thier candidate stands.

  15. An honest mistake.

  16. 12:39 said it best. Those of us who are paying for these entitlements for able bodied people are sick of doing it, all the while trying our best to pay our bills and make ends meet.

  17. We may not see another Republican win the Presidency for a long time. Then again if the next 4 years are terrible then we may not see another Democrat win for a long time.

  18. so all those who won't work can keep their free stuff...notice, I said WON'T work, not CAN'T work!!

  19. best man for the job.

  20. The culture of America has changed into a Nation of too many grasshoppers and too few ants. It has taken this election to open my eyes that entitlement mentality is "in" and looking out for yourself is "out".

  21. because the best Republicans could do is Mitt Romney.


  22. Birtherism foolishness backfired and motivated democrats to vote

  23. 93 % of the black vote (I refuse to use the term African-American) Either you are American or you are notl
    71% of the hispanic vote (how many were illegals)
    If whites had voted in either of these percentages Romney would have won and they (the whites)would have been labeled as racists

  24. He won because all the people receiving food stamps, Medicaid, free phones, Section 8 housing and other free stuff voted for Obama. The working people are in the minority.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    best man for the job.

    November 9, 2012 1:27 PM"

    You think a man that approves of women being called a "c" and a "hoe" is the best? This makes me wonder what kind of parents you had or have.

  26. voter fraud, media bias & a general lack of intelligence of the voters.

  27. Because the Obama voters didn't have a clue what they were doing to the American way of life, and the sad part is, Obama doesn't care. He isn't one of us!

  28. Alex said...
    because the best Republicans could do is Mitt Romney.


    November 9, 2012 1:35 PM

    Alex is this the best you can do? What is wrong with Romney? He earned his money legally. He didn't watch 4 Americans get murdered in Benghazi either.

  29. Because he created a country of welfare whores! The majority is now on gov't cheese and they continue to want more!

  30. ANON 2:19 I agree we are the working minority and that is why he was re-elected because there are fewer people working.If the entitlement class would work for a living instead of holding their hand out the world would be a better place for everyone but why work when you get rewarded for being lazy.

  31. voter fraud, media bias & a general lack of intelligence of the voters.

    November 9, 2012 2:40 PM

    concur. Alex is a prime example. Just multiply him by about a million voters, and I'm being conservative.

  32. The comments/delusions of folks on this thread are THE PRIME EXAMPLE of why Romney/Republicans lost. Too many in the party are in some state of altered reality.

    The majority of voters just won't buy all of this crazy, right-wing blather. It takes folks, like myself, who are interested in fiscal conservatism and turns them away...to the tune of about 100 electoral votes!

    This is no way to run a competitive national political party.

  33. 3:32-You got that right. All you have to do is mention fiscal reponsiblity to an obama voter and they run like hell. Faster than even when the police are chasing them.

  34. None of the military absentee ballots were counted, that's why - and by the way, the very most important ballots at that.

  35. Electoral Vote...the number of persons who voted for Romney far outweighed Obama voters.

  36. ...because most people are ignorant!

  37. too many hogs at the trough. shame on us. thanks sjd

  38. Because as long as someone wants something free from the government,they will continue to vote for the Democrat. Or if you just so happen to be an educated person with a good job and you haven't yet figured out that all those nice "things" the government is giving away to people who won't work or aren't even from this country is coming from your hard earned tax dollars Then you will continue to vote for the Democrat.

  39. You can't even suggest that these welfare types work.
    My friend volunteers at an organization that caters to low income people. She does a reading program where she reads to children. She said the mothers sit outside and smoke and text the whole time. It's like a group of 6 mothers. None work. My friend asked them why they didn't work.
    They said "ain't got nobody to watch our kids." So my friend had the audacity to suggest that maybe they could take turns babysitting for each other. They looked at her like she had 2 heads. Not only that they reported her. She was told she had to take an online sensitivity training webinar in order to continue with the volunteer work because they receive federal grants and they could be pulled! My friend refused and told them in no uncertain terms to shove their program where the sun doesn't shine. They ended up letting her have a pass on the sensitivity training because no one else wants to volunteer with these illegitimate kids because they are monsters and so are the mothers and she's back to reading to the children. BTW-They love Obama!

  40. Because there are more takers than givers.

  41. Look at where the votes come from...rural areas are heavily Republican and metro areas are heavily Democrat. Who has more voters? Every state map they showed on election night demonstrated this. Its not hard to figure out. Especially if you live on the Eastern Shore.

  42. 6:23, Obama has given out more "corporate welfare" and has engaged in crony capitalism as much as if not more than any other president.
    His problem is he's famous for engaging in it, to companies that haven't been job creators and have a tendency to go bankrupt.


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