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Sunday, November 04, 2012

This Just In From A Viewer

Good morning Joe.
No doubt that The Daily Times is trying desperately to recover lost revenue as a last ditch attempt to save their newspaper.

As you can already probably tell by their most recent online changes and charges - their latest endeavor is trying to mimic SBYnews reporting style and format.

As an avid reader of both medias - (although I admit my bias for SBYnews) - my observation is - The Daily Times is now trying  to clone SBYnews reporting style into their own media. 
I am not making this stuff up!
Although I think this is an underhanded way of trying to salvage a sinking ship - on the flip side I would take this as a compliment in that you have single-handedly
taken down a multi-million dollar conglomerate.
Hope you have a great day . . . .LONG LIVE SBYNEWS!!!! 
Take a look at their latest endeavor of trying to copy your format:

Some quotes from this article: "As the newspaper business has gone through some transitions in recent years, we’ve strayed from that. Frankly, we’ve missed the opportunities that come with engaging members of the public on community issues."

"Your participation can and will make your community newspaper better."

"For the first time in memory, The Daily Times won’t be endorsing a candidate for president."


  1. Well if you look at their facebook page there are hardly any posts. When I looked yesterday out of 5 posts 2 were about Joe's court case.

  2. Isn't this interesting. The DT is trying to copy Salisbury News reporting style by now including public input?

    Since when did the DT ever care about how the public felt about any issue. They have a history of trying to make the news as opposed to reporting it.

  3. They refuse to endorse a candidate for President because if they endorse the candidate they WANT to endorse, it will shutter their operation!

    I'll speak for them! "we want to endorse Obama, but we know it would only be based on partisanship and towing the party line and not based on the recession Obama has the audacity to call a recovery! We know he's actually left us in worse condition than when he took office but we're still confident that he's our man so our party stays in control despite them sinking us and the rest of America. So, NO endorsement is a LOUD CRY for our few readers to vote ROMNEY!!"

  4. 9:11 - You are so on-point. Many times I have thought that The Daily Times was very bias especially when covering local events. Instead of carefully analyzing the news, they would just endorse the information that was being spoon fed to them. We saw this on many fronts - (former Salisbury Mayor, BOE issues, city & county budgets, referendums, etc). Now - they all of a sudden are trying to change their colors? What gives!

  5. Yes the DT's took the cowards way out in choosing to not endorse anyone.
    By not coming out and endorsing Rommey the DT's shows that it is perfectly okay with lying, the "N" word, calling woman "hoes", the Benghazi coverup and on and on.
    Whomever made this decision has some character flaws big time.

  6. 9:29, add the current Salisbury mayor to that list. Their hate for most of the council members who look out for the little guy too. Oh yes and their kiss up to the county executive and damning of the county council.

  7. I'm not a parent but how could a fit parent ever vote for Obama?
    A vote for Obama means someone is perfectly okay with someone who lies pathologically. A vote for Obama does mean someone condones his relationship with Rap artists who call woman derogotory names and is particularly disturbing if the Obama supporter has daughters.
    How can the Mayor or anyone else support Obama? Is Obama's lying okay to Ireton? Is it okay that Obama lies and says Planned Parenthood does mammograms? Is that okay with you Jim Ireton???
    It's disturbing to say the least that we are surrounded by such dishonest people and those with such low morals.

  8. They have done enough damage here, they have a long way to go before I walk their plank to nowhere. Grow a pair and make an endorsement.

    Quit running to Jimmy's little playhouse to play "press conference."

  9. Joe - if you are reading this - consider the DT new strategy as a complement. They are trying to reign in a new era(so they say)on the coattail of Salisbury News.

    On a personal note, until they agree to sell out to SBYnews, I do not believe a word of it. You wait and see - this so called new board will be the composure of their same old philosophy.

  10. Joe, why don't you apply for a position on the Board and show them how to turn that paper from a lost cause into a profit.

    Sad fact is the Daily Times can't sell out to Joe as 10:19 suggest since it would be a decision made by Gannett. But the DT could appoint Joe to their Board to help turn things around.

  11. A day late and a dollar short, Times.

  12. The day they annouce Joe is running for major may be the day I see a turn around, until then, keep that garbage out of my yard.

  13. Some observations:

    1) When you alienate potential customers there is a price to pay in loss of prospective business.

    2) When you alienate long-term customers to the extent that they quit your business and vow not to return there is a price to pay both from the lost revenue and from the ill will they share with friends and family.

    The Daily Times under each and every management regime Gannett has installed has excelled at points 1 & 2 above even as the woeful rag they produce has withered.

    They've been faithful flackers for (in ascending order of incompetence) Jimmy, Ricky, Marty and Baracky. Being forced strategically to take a pass on endorsing a presidential candidate must sting like a paper cut!

  14. I agree with most of the commenters about The Daily Times trying to change colors. I will not believe they will change their 'liberal' brand even under the auspices of a newly formed editorial board. Most likely the board will be laced with even more liberals. In that case there will be no change - just a slightly different look.

  15. You can try and put a moustache on Cadillac and call it a Lincoln, but that still doesn't make it a Lincoln.

    Time will tell if The Daily Times is serious about forming a new image. Until then I'm going to stick to my old mans advise;

    'Treat a man like a criminal until he proves you otherwise.'

  16. You can bet your bottom dollar that the DT will not allow anyone of the conservative persuasion to be on their new Editorial Board.

  17. Here are the main differences between SBYnews & DT.

    1. SBYnews is LUSH with information that would have otherwise been buried by the DT.

    2. SBYnews has their readers - in their heart - with emphasis on keeping them informed and up to date with ripe information. Quite the contrary - the DT tries to mold the news to fit their own agenda.

    3. The DT has become expensive. With a lingering recession, and disposable incomes dwendling, SBYnews offers a unique alternative opportunity.

    4. SBYnews is fair and balanced - while on the otherhand the DT is liberally biased. They even admitted that in today's article.

    5. SBYnews offers more in-depth and broader coverage than the DT.

    6. SBYnews is 'quicker to the punch' than the DT.

    Bottom line - it is hard for the DT to compete.

    Just my humble opinion on the subject.

  18. 2:51 said:

    "- the DT tries to mold the news to fit their own agenda."

    That is EXACTLY what you are going to see in their so-called news. You think it's been bad so far? Just wait. They'll tone down their editorial board opinions so they can claim they are more "balanced" and they will use more subtle writing in their news to look more "balanced."

    The only thing that will change is they will get sneakier with their bias.

    Remember who they are in bed with. It's not just about liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right. Remember who they are in bed with.

  19. My question is the obvious one. If being Left is crashing your business, why nor move to all right, or at least middle? Is the parent company that ignorant? I mean, they made a lot of money in their time, and yes, blogs have cut into their market and they should compete on an intellectual level with them, but to go wildly left of Communism is in my book a LOT not competitive!

    Just my DUH moment to share...

  20. Responding to 4:54 Posting

    I agree. It would not have hurt for them to have moved more towards the middle. The move would have certainly improved their balance sheets. Remember, Gannett - (GCI)-trading symbol was trading in the 90 dollar range before they embarked on their liberal shift. I have watched their stock value go from the 90s all the way down to their present value of $17 per share. But then again I always thought that Warren Buffett was a shrewd investor - but even he did not see the Gannett train coming. He lost a ton of money on Gannett.

  21. They didn't literally endorse Obama, but the front cover is plastered with his life size portrait!
    What scum they are.


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