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Saturday, November 10, 2012

This Is Why Being A People Pleaser Is Not A Good Idea

If you find yourself constantly prioritizing others' needs over your own, you'll never have enough time to get everything done.
People pleasing is a productivity killer.
For anyone who is especially anxious over getting approval, it's important to create boundaries. This will help you separate what's urgent from what can wait. 
Lifehacker's Elizabeth Saunders wrote an excellent article on how to change your mentality in three people-pleasing scenarios. Below is a condensed version of each situation: 
Change your view of what it means to be a "good employee" 
Being a "good employee" at work does not mean your door always needs to be open. This will leave you with too many distractions during the day and could also cause problems in other areas of your life when you're forced to bring work home.
To make sure this doesn't happen, remind yourself that finishing high-priority work is part of being a good employee. By changing your standards for what it means to be a good employee, you will stop feeling guilty for not doing enough. 


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