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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Third Man Expcted To File Lawsuit Against "Elmo" Puppeteer Kevin Clash

On Tuesday a third man is expected to file a lawsuit against Kevin Clash, the man behind the world-famous “Elmo” character on Sesame Street.

He's been performing as Elmo since 1984 -- winning 21 Emmys for Best Performer in a Children's Series.

That career is over. Kevin Clash resigned last week after his first accuser came forward. That man recanted his allegation of an underage sexual relationship.

Since then, a second man -- Cecil Singleton -- filed a $5-million lawsuit against Clash.



  1. Maryland is now supporting this deviant behaviour, with same sex marriage being allowed here, all the weirdo's should just come here and stay and play, they could take over "Fruitland"!!

  2. Playing with toys all day.

  3. Elmo is filing suit next for Clash sticking his hand up his butt since 1984. And that, my friends, is repeated abuse.


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