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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Real 2012 Election Map

This Election Map Tells the REAL Story. (We have taken the Liberty to correct the colors -- red is a much more fitting color for the Leftist strongholds.) This county-by-county election map clearly reveals what state election maps don't, and what Obama and his Leftist cadres do NOT want you to know.

The assault on Liberty we witnessed Tuesday, as was the case in 2008, was led primarily by those on urban "ObamaNation Plantations," those who depend on what Obama calls "redistributive justice" in order to survive. They account for almost 60 (SIXTY) percent of Obama's constituents, and Socialist Democrats are masters of co-opting (read: "buying") their allegiance and getting them to the polls. The good news, as noted previously, is that about ten million fewer Obama voters showed up in 2012.
These state dependents have little or no literacy or interest in civic social or civic responsibility, our Constitution, economy and free enterprise, or overarching issues such as the crushing national debt. This enormous and growing constituency forms the foundation of Obama's Cloward–Piven strategy -- overloading the government welfare system to the point of crisis, requiring the replacement of that system with a state-directed national system of "guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty."
Let us remember that there are many fellow Patriots living within these urban centers, who endure much more oppressive and intrusive conditions than those of us living outside those areas. Most of them are deprived of the most basic constitutional right to bear arms.


  1. Shouldn't one of the essential principles of liberty here in the UNITED states be that we are free to vote however we please without being considered the enemy? You guys seem to love freedom, except when folks make choices you don't like. Let you guys lose and we trully would be living under the conservative version of Taliban rule

  2. When uninformed, unengaged voters make bad choices, when they fall victim to lies and misrepresentations, scare tactics and marxist campaigns in the face of overwhelming statistical evidence Obama is, has been and will be very bad for our country, we have every right to speak up to save our country from those Socialists that are destroying it. We have every right to call Obama voters selfish idiots. We have every right to keep our country free from foreign and domestic subversion of the Obama regime.

  3. Hey 9:43- you are absolutely right in your rights- Our soldiers,seamen,airman and marines protect that for us every day. Sadly, the far right has been the party of no for 4 years, accomplished a few House seats and lost a few Senate seats due to it's flawed strategy...It is not wise to stonewall for 4 more years...By the way, I'm not so insecure as to call names of millions of American voters.

  4. 9:43, you have every right to speak your mind. If that also reveals an ignorance to great to comment on, so be it. You all forget these colors are about geography, not numbers of voters.

  5. previous post by 10:23, I was too quick to comment - should have spell checked! "too great, not to"

  6. fall victim to lies and misrepresentations, scare tactics

    943 hilarious to me that you clowns dont seem to see all the bull crap being shoveled on the right.

  7. Statistically the worst president ever. Nuff said.

  8. We all get to vote again in four years. As a matter of fact, it happens every four years. How about that. If a democrat wins again, will it be scorcery, ignorance of the voters, ignorance of the opposite side's voters, aliens? Nah, probably just stupid rednecks.

  9. Are the stupid rednecks the democrat voters or the republican candidates?

  10. Bush = Patriot Act , Obama = National Defense Authorization Act
    Please google both to see how fast your freedom can be taken without due process.
    Both are designed to destroy our constitutional freedom in the name of terrorism, LOL.
    Stupidity is rampant among both sides of the left / right paradigm. Our presidents are chosen, and not by the people as we are led to believe. Obama/Romney, Bush/Kerry, all global mega bank front men who answer to the federal reserve (private company), and corporate oligarchies.


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