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Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Over the last few days we have received an unusual amount of very nasty comments which include personal attacks, racist comments and other comments loaded with curse words, as if they're going to get published.

Just in case you have forgotten, unless the comment has your registered name on it, we won't publish it. However, if your man enough to use your own name and want to be responsible for the words you put out there, so be it, you own it.

Yeah, we have to read these comments, as we do every comment. However, we just hit the spam button and away you go for good. That's right, if you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all.

The funny part is, certain individuals spend all that time writing these nasty comments knowing they're going to be rejected or spammed, yet they have this mental problem whereas they go ahead and try to get it published anyway.

So the next time you sit there and write a nasty comment, think in your head the smile we get on our face when we hit that spam button. Then think about this. Once a month or so I'll actually go look at the spam messages that are automatically deleted by Blogger, (after we hit spam) and crack up seeing all of those comments they continued to try to get through but automatically went into spam before we ever saw it.

In the end, THE JOKE IS ON YOU.


  1. Good for you Joe. It must take a lot of work running this blog.

  2. Although I regularly disagree with some of the opinions on this blog, what does anyone think they are going to accomplish by posting vulgar, harassing, and otherwise inappropriate comments?

    I always interpret it as a person's true devotion to social ineptitude and lack of intelligence to find something better to say.

  3. Thanks for doing that & it's Much more enjoyable to read Positive things!

  4. Joe: Thank you for your diligence in keeping things as clean as possible. I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion and am thankful that I had parents, and extended family, that made sure I knew how to respect others. This is a character trait that is sadly lacking in this country!

  5. You could trace the computer IDs if you wanted to. And then identify to all who is sending them!

  6. JR back to his old tricks??

  7. 11:09-You continue to refer to him as JR.It's JT.Keep up the great work Joe.I've noticed that you don't mind when someone disagrees with you.It's the nasty part that involves cursing and vulgarity that is not necessary.

  8. I am a regular reader of this blog and agree that it is the best way to get news from the shore. I started visiting this site back when Donnie Williams was shot and a friend told me that I should check here for updates. No other local news site provided any real coverage. That said, I find that my political leanings are a bit different than most that comment here regularly . When I have commented on posts here, I have never slandered, used vulgarity, racist slurs or curse words. I have however found that while some of my comments get posted, some do not. Especially if they are in opposition to the topic being discussed. I don't think I am in your spam folder since some of my comments do get posted. I just want to say that I do value the service you provide but feel that you should better encourage civil discussion from all points of view.

  9. And thanks for posting my comment above.


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