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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The GOP's Nice Losers

Mitt Romney now joins the long list of the kinds of presidential candidates favored by the Republican establishment – nice, moderate losers, people with no coherently articulated vision, despite how many ad hoc talking points they may have.

The list of Republican presidential candidates like this goes back at least as far as 1948, when Thomas E. Dewey ran against President Harry Truman. Dewey spoke in lofty generalities while Truman spoke in hard-hitting specifics. Since then, there have been many re-runs of this same scenario, featuring losing Republican presidential candidates John McCain, Bob Dole, Gerald Ford and, when he ran for re-election, George H.W. Bush.



  1. Anybody listening to obama talking? He's a goofy SOB. Here's a person who everything and anything he has ever touched has turned into crap and he's still in his own mind (and those dumb enough to believe him)believeing that his policies are working.
    No wonder the inner cities/public housing, aren't fit for a roach to live in.

  2. Now he's taking up for that dumb liar UN chick Rice. He said if congress wants to go after anyone to come after him! Like he'll really come if and when Congress calls. He's run like a coward.

  3. Rice deserves any criticism that is thrown at her. When someone lowers themself down to the level of nothing more than a house slave dragged out of the gutter to do the obama admins dirty work then they deserve public humiliation.
    She's a disgrace to her gender and to her race.

  4. The important phrase in this article is "MODERATE LOSER"!!

    Wake up, GOP!! Moderates are LOSERS!!


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