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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


ANNAPOLIS, MD (November 20, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley today released the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s release of preliminary employment data for the month of October:
"Last month, Maryland’s businesses led the way by creating 16,700 jobs - the best month for private sector job growth in more than 15 years. Our unemployment rate has been driven down to 6.7 percent, and together we’ve recovered nearly 85 percent of the jobs lost during the Bush recession.

Maryland’s dynamic private sector continues to prove that we are on the cutting edge of innovation and that our greatest assets are the talents, skills, creativity, ingenuity, and education of our people. A new study released this week by the nonpartisan group The States Project ranks Maryland #2 in the nation for economic opportunity - a sign that the progress we make together does not happen by chance, but by the choices we make as a State to move forward by growing jobs and opportunity.”


  1. Excuse me. There was no recession under George Bush. It started when the Democrats took over the House and Senate in January of 2007.

  2. As a small business owner,I hope the dems get their butts voted out because of their tax and spend mentality.There will be no entitlement spending if business dont get some relief from taxes and regulations.

  3. Lying POS. The Bush recession. When do we get to call it the Obama recession? Never.
    How about the people of Maryland - do we get to refer to our mess as the O'Malley recession?
    We get the double whammy here in the Fee State - Obama and O'Malley.
    Now we can be the Fee/Gay state. Whatever...

  4. I really doubt that omalley knows much less understands that it was the dem's control of both houses of congress that caused the recession. He's not exactly a rocket scientist.
    Jobs are up. They always are this time of year. Seasonal employment. The only reason they are up a bit more than usual is because retailers, restaurants, shipping companies and other businesses that benefit from the holidays cut back year round employment employees. So basically what they are doing is hiring back to pre recession and adding their normal seasonal workforce for the holidays.
    Omalley may fool the masses but he has to get up very early to fool me.

  5. OW! My eyes are hurting! All this smoke... where is it coming from? Annapolis? And it's still this thick all the way over here? Am I in a cattle pasture? All this bull$hit layin' around to step in!

    Oh, no, it's just the latest spew from O'Smelly!

  6. I wonder if he believes his lies.

  7. All of SBYnews readers ought to know better than to believe O'Malley's propaganda. We have all seen the local area business closure list and it is astounding to see the vasts number of pivotal businesses exodus out of Maryland. To say otherwise is just plain outright fraud.

    In fact, O'Malley should be incarcerated for his deceitful behavior. Our tri-county area has lost THOUSANDS of jobs. We have all seen the list. If O'Malley were truthful - then why doesn't he post all of these so-called new jobs. I personally would like to see them.

  8. O'Malley believes most Marylanders are imbeciles. That's why he isn't posting the so called newly created jobs.


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