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Friday, November 09, 2012


Rep. Allen West is leading by more than 300 votes in Palm Beach County, Fla., a hopeful sign for the Tea Party favorite fighting for his political life after Tuesday’s election, a source told TheBlaze.
No winner has been declared in the congressional race between the Republican West and his Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy, though Murphy had a 2,456-vote lead in the unofficial vote total.
But a Republican observer who has been monitoring the counting process said West pulled ahead in Palm Beach County on Thursday as the initial count continues. Ballot printing errors led to ballots that could not be fed through scanners in some areas, so Florida election workers have been forced to reproduce their contents onto new ballots that can be read properly, the observer said. As the votes are counted for the first time, West has taken a slim lead.


  1. So election workers are "reproducing" the ballots so that the scanners will read them. In other words, the ballots being recorded are not filled out by the voters, but rather they are filled out by election people. I certain that this is considered forgery in some circles.

  2. Most republicans are to easy to give up and if would fight like liberals might win.Go Col West!

  3. Obama lost every state that requires a Photo ID. In the Philly areas that removed GOP poll watcher they reported 99% turnout, 95% voting for Obama. Military votes were not counted as they were lost, burned in a plane crash, marked as ammunition by mistake etc. etc. Voting machine irregularities reporting Romney votes switched to Obama, funny never the other way. If you truly think this was a fairly counted election you are dreaming.

    1. Proceed to your nearest mental health facility before you injure yourself or others. Thank you! :-)

  4. 8:57, if you think voter fraud is why Obama won, you are dreaming. You would also have to believe that all of the polls leading into the election were fraudulent. the vote matched the polls, and Romney lost. I know it is hard for you to believe that your views are now in the minority, but they are. You should quit whining about that fact and instead try to logically convinve people that your views are the correct ones. But that would be a lot harder than just claiming someone else cheated, right?


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