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Monday, November 05, 2012

Showdown in America: Workers vs. the Welfare State

The 2012 presidential election is coming down to a contest between those who want the economy to succeed and those who want it to go on failing. Hope and Change is dead, at least the brand that depended on oratorical inspiration injected via teleprompter from between Greek columns taken out on loan before they were due back for an arena rock show. Anyone capable of balancing a checkbook has done the math, and come reluctantly to the conclusion that it’s a choice between Romney and ruin.
No one seriously believes that another four years of Obama will fix the economy, mend race relations or restore international relations. Those things didn’t happen in four years and they won’t happen in eight. But even with lowered expectations, few of those voters who walk into the booth and go for the zero even expect any of these three areas to stay at their current level after another four years. Most of them know that the economy will be worse, the racial pool will be more poisoned than ever and the world will be a more dangerous place. They aren’t stupid. What they are is selfish.


  1. "No one seriously believes that another four years of Obama will fix the economy, mend race relations or restore international relations"

    Um, economy went from a tailspin into growth (albeit slow) mode in 4 years. As a conservative, I'm pretty sure you would agree that the last thing Big Gov. can do is change anyone's heart. And please show which relations are supposedly so frayed. Oh you mean the Bibi is mad because Obama didn't cow tow to him and go marching us straight into another war?

  2. "Um, economy went from a tailspin into growth"

    It did? What about gas prices, food prices, salaries being lower and continue to get lower? The costs of goods are more and have sometimes doubled. It is called inflation which the Obama admin tends to ignore and quite a few of his supporters are clueless about. The dollar is devalued due to Obama printing more money thus the higher cost of goods. The economy is not growing slow or otherwise.

  3. Obama says the economy is growing but he bases this on unemployement numbers and job growth. Both are not accuarate pictures. Just as many jobs are being lost as are being created. Those that are being created are in the low wage category such as retail and fast food. As far as unemployment-it's not even worth paying any attention to. It does not include people whose benefits have worn out and that is why it is lower. Not because people are getting jobs, but because benefits are over so they are not counted.
    The problem is alot of people are so ill informed that they hear unemployment numbers are down and they jump for joy thinking Obama is so wonderful. Same with job growth. These people haven't the sense to compare it with jobs lost.

  4. Trickle down economics works.Government bailout and financing of businesses doesnt.


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